Haylie's Baby Shower!

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~The next day in My Perspective~

I was meeting up with my parents. I was back in Moonstone and we were in our sacred garden in the back of our dojo.

(The sacred garden!)

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(The sacred garden!)

"My daughter, are you doing well?" my dad asked.

"Yes dad. I'm doing okay." I smiled.

"What about Leonardo and the children?" my mother asked.

"They're doing well." I smiled. "We only have one more piece left until we complete our adventure. We have to find it first before the Triceratons or Lord Dregg gets it."

"I know you and the family will get that piece before your galactic enemies do. We believe in you my dear." Mom said.

I smiled. "Thanks mom."

"Here." my mom gave me an index card. "This is Mrs. Butters' recipe for her famous lemon bars."

I gasped and squealed happily. "I love her lemon bars! Thank you mommy!" I hugged her.

She giggled and hugs back. "You're welcome sweetie."

"Well, I think I should go now mom and dad."

"We will see you soon my dear." Dad said.

"Thank you mom and dad. I love you."

"And we love you too." they both said as they bowed and disappeared.

I smiled and looked at the index card. "I wonder if the food machine could make this." I got up and went to the Recreation Room where everyone was.

"Hey sis. How was your visit?" Haylie asked.

"It was awesome!" I plugged the suction cup on my forehead and thought about the lemon bars. The machine made a ding sound and the lemon bars were there. "Mmm mmm!" I licked my lips.


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(Mrs. Butters' famous Lemon Bars!)

~Leo's Perspective~

I heard Aqua in a happy mood and went over to her with Bart in my arms. "Hey baby. I'm thinking that you had a good visit with your parents?"

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