-Chapter Fifty Two-

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Julia utterly insisted on going to see DeLacy. Andrew on the other hand didn't really want to. He had technically been the reason for her coma.

He had also accused a genuine person. But Andrew didn't know about her personal business, he thought she was genuine because she hadn't died him yet. For DeLacy though it wouldn't have been even worth suing him.

He had to comply though. He didn't want to upset Julia. This was for her to relax and get away from everything.

Besides, the bomber had been caught and was with M-I6 probably facing justice that he rightfully deserved. It would likely be on the headlines soon and displayed for the entire world to see and it would ring the warning that these actions would not be tolerated.

Andrew sighed as he walked out of the men's changing room where a few young boys excitedly ran past him.

"Boys! Slow down!", called a man with a beer belly. He shook his head smiling and apologized to Andrew.

"No worries", replied Andrew smiling and the man smiled back.
"Boys!", he called again getting the towels and walked off to catch up with the happy children who weren't listening.

Julia was waiting her hip out and with crossed arms. Andrew raised his eyebrows. Damn she look...hot.

Andrew smiled looping his arm around her waist tickling her.

"Now this I haven't seen", he teased.

"I know where I've seen this though....hint, it's somewhere cozy", whispered Julia.

She took his hand. "Come on, we have to go see her", said Julia.

Andrew hesitated, "Are you sure Julia?", asked Andrew. He was concerned.

Julia frowned, "Why?", she asked sensing he was distressed.

"Well...this was supposed to be us.... And to get you away from everything", said Andrew with honesty in his voice.

Julia took his other hand looking up at him.

"I know.... But I have to do this....I feel like I have to.....she....please?", begged Julia longingly.

Andrew smiled and put his forehead on her's, "Alright.... But I'm also here for you if you need me", he whispered.

Julia kissed him, "I know", she whispered. Then Julia pulled him gently to the entrance of the private pool.

There was security there but as Andrew addressed who he was, the man let them both through passed the red velvet ropes.

He immediately noticed the difference. It wasn't a kiddy pool or a place with water slides which could be seen on the far distance other end of the massive boat.

Here there was fine luxury. The people here looked like the common celebrity. There was live music and a long bar with tenders doing tricks. There were several people here all ranging from twenty five to older. Women giggled and men swooned them. Some were making out on the lounge chairs with guards standing ready and watching to make sure no one came too close.

Andrew looked around. There were about fifty people here. Several. But it was a vastly empty area. There were private hot tubs which clearly looked reserved for the drunken men relaxing and laughing their heads off in them. 

Julia pulled pointing.

"Look! There! There she is! Come on!", said Julia pulling Andrew to make their way to the other side of the pool complex.

As Julia got closer to the lounge chair where DeLacy lay she noticed herself slow down and almost stop. The men were there too. Along with that one woman too.

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