Chapter Sixty

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Jackson sat on the couch Jane May was sitting next to him and Rollins was in the kitchen. They were at what M-I6 called the safe house. It was just a loft over looking the city. It was silent and everyone sat there. Louis and James with Marco at the coffee table. All was quiet.

The door opened revealing Lawrence who had on rubber latex gloves taking them off and tossed them in the trash. Jackson stood up as Lawrence came out of the room shutting the door.

"How is she?", asked Jane May quicker than Jackson and it made him tense.

Lawrence sighed, "Yeah.....she'll be fine", he said.

"You sound like your unsure", said Rollins.

"Medically no one should even be put under so much stress. The human body is resilient, but with her cardiovascular disease and narrow blood vessels I can't say that I am not on edge", replied Lawrence.

"I thought Cardiovascular disease could only be developed", said Rollins.

Lawrence shook his head washing his hands in the sink, "She inherited it not to mention she it situs inversus meaning everything in her body is flipped", said Lawrence putting it in laymen terms for the rest.

"Can....can we go see her?", asked Jackson.

"No", said Lawrence.

Jackson stiffened, "She needs to rest, and gentlemen, ladies, I advise you do the same. If you'll excuse me I have to go check on our investigator", said Lawrence who went off down the hall of the flat into another room closing the door.

Jackson stood there and turned as Anderson came in through the front door carrying a two large cases and set one down on the kitchen counter handing the other towards Marco. Marco stared at it quietly for a moment and Anderson just dropped it in front of him on the table he was in a fowl mood. He poured himself some coffee which was originally intended for Rollins. But Rollins didn't say anything and just began to make another batch for himself. Rollins looked at everyone quietly as if asking if anyone else wanted some. Everyone but Jackson said no.

M-I6 came out of the door shutting it, he looked exhausted and grim. He raised his head towards everyone in the room. He wiped his chin with his fingers. He didn't want to say anything. After a bit of silence he said, "I have to call my wife", said M-I6. And he went outside into the hall shutting the front door to get some privacy to let her know that it was going to be another late night.

Anderson sat down on the lounger chair and propped up his feet onto the night stand leaning back. He sighed and closed his eyes. There wasn't anything he could do but wait. And the best thing to do now was catch up on some sleep. Besides Jova thought DeLacy was dead it was close to 8:30 p.m. now. Without being able to get much sleep on the flights back Anderson was running low on energy. At the same time though he didn't want to fall asleep.

No one really wanted to.

Jackson stared at the door. He wanted to see her. See how she was doing. But Lawrence had told him not to.

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