Chapter Four

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Lawrence stood in the bathroom having just been released and he washed his hands rubbing his fingers together slushing the water and getting the feeling of the tight cuffs off his hands. He blinked heaving and sigh and whipped his chin leaning against the counter. He closed his eyes.

The images and sounds came back. They were familiar. Too familiar. Lawrence swallowed hard as the sights came back to him as he stood in the bathroom.

-Start of Flash Back-

Lawrence snagged a blue coat a nurse agreeing to put it on. She had officially thought he was a doctor from all the confusion and hectic atmosphere. Lawrence pulled on the gloves going to the table where DeLacy lay.

"I need someone to get in a breathing tube!", yelled Lawrence as he saw that her chest wasn't rising anymore voluntarily. Doctors and nurses were already squeezing in bags of blood. Lawrence saw one seeing it was B positive and snapped at the nurse who was petrified.

"She's type AB!", he yelled angrily.

He was horrified at this minimal mistake that would be life threatening. Her body was under enough stress and pressure. Lawrence knew it was shutting down slowly already and he couldn't let it lose the thread it was hanging on with.

The head emergency physician glanced up at Lawrence as he had already began to cut and stitch the wound to halt the bleeding. That was one of the multiple primary concerns as one woman was trying to shove in the respiratory oscillator to get it in position. She missed the first time and Lawrence glared and the woman flinched getting it in.

"I don't have a pulse!", yelled a man.

"Get the deliberator!", yelled the head physician back finishing a stitch.

"Clear!", yelled one and Lawrence stepped back as the shock was emitted. Lawrence eyed the monitor waiting. He was sweating and the mask over his mouth was annoying him.

'Come on! Don't quit on me now!', thought Lawrence. The head physician eyed him since unaware to Lawrence he had whispered it under his breath as well. The head physician was awfully impressed by Lawrence's skill and expertise. Yet he had never met this man. His team was here in the room working frantically with others who he didn't know and Lawrence was one of them.

"Again! Set it to twenty five! yelled Lawrence.

Snapping from ten to twenty five volts?! "Are you insane?!", yelled the head physician.

Lawrence ignored him, "Do it! I will not have this patient die on my watch!", yelled Lawrence.

"Clear!", yelled the man snapping it up to twenty five volts igniting the shock. DeLacy's body lifted slightly and the monitor began immediately after, "I have a pulse!", yelled the nurse.

Lawrence continued now with that out of the way. He had to get her stable and number two was now making sure she didn't relapse and continue to lose blood. He pulled the stitches and cut to get the skin to close correctly and relieve pressure. What was worse was that the side wound had reopened and it was pooling and clotting.

Lawrence kept glancing over and over at the monitors checking and double checking.

Don't dare relapse.

-End of Flash Back-

Lawrence shook his hands, flicking his fingers and tore out a paper from the dispenser and wiped his hands dry shoving into the trash can storming out. Lawrence himself felt responsible, he felt as if he hadn't saved DeLacy's life, he felt as if he had made it worse.

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