Chapter Sixty Three

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Jova sat down watching DeLacy as she came back around. His chin rested on his hands as he waited. He stared looking at her. He averted his gaze hearing the door open and in stepped a woman dressed in a heavy fur coat and hat. Her heels clicked as she stepped in.

DeLacy groaned hearing this looking hazily at the figure. DeLacy smirked, "So....Player Number Eleven.....",she managed.

"I'm honored Jamie DeLacy.....Player Number One", said the Russian woman.

"It's important to not forget who is trying to kill you", said DeLacy swallowed and shut her eyes breathing. She was getting chest pain again. She hadn't taken her pills for the evening. Her heart was pumping but her chest ached and she coughed.

"Is it ready?", asked the woman looking at Jova.

Jova stared at the woman for a moment in silence, "....Yes", he said.

The woman reverted her gaze back to DeLacy who was strapped in the chair. She spoke, "Before Jova kills you I'm going to allow him to give you another tattoo design if you wish it. Don't worry, he is talented as you can tell", said the woman gesturing to his own creations.

DeLacy sighed, "Even if I objected you would still do it, .....left pocket", said DeLacy closing her eyes.

Jova reached in feeling a piece of paper and took it out. He unfolded it seeing roman numerals written out. He read it and then pulled his silver cart towards him. He pulled on his gloves and then rolled up DeLacy's sleeve farther seeing the other roman numerals on the inside of her wrist and the other designs too. He strapped down DeLacy's wrist about to apply the adhesive and numbing drug when his employer said.

"No, no pain reliever", said the woman crossing her arms.

DeLacy looked up closing her eyes, "This is the one time I will say it, but mother fucker", she managed hearing the device begin.

Jova held down her hand to keep it from curling back up as he began to make the small detailed inking trinkets into her skin onto her wrist. Jova flinched for a moment as he felt DeLacy's fingers curl around his hand. He glanced up as she lifted her head against the chair her neck muscles straining and she clenched her teeth not wanting to screaming but instead hissed through her clamped teeth.

Jova curled his fingers back around DeLacy's hand. He didn't know why he was offering her comfort. It wasn't like him. Mostly because he never had the time to. He would always shoot them before he got to know them. It was easier that way. But now this..... Jova looked back down to continue and finish. He didn't want it to continue. It was a quicker and painless thing if he would have just been allowed to shoot her. He shouldn't have missed the second time.

Then this wouldn't have happened.

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