"Americans" jade said laughing

"I know they are hilarious! But also very odd..." Leigh-Ann wheezed out through the laughter.

"Hey we are not odd!" Maddie stated.

"Ya were like the opposite if odd! DDO! see what I did there I said it backwards! So in your face" I said

Maddie and I both snapped our fingers and flipped our hair in sink.

In all honesty we practiced that for an hour one day.


"Charlie love that isn't really helping your case." A voice said as arms wrapped there way around my waist from behind.

I instantly recognized it as Liam. I replied sassily "well I don't really have a come back at the moment soooo... I'll get back to you on that." I finished attempting to pull my self away from his vice grip but to no avail. "Le meeee gooooooo" I said childishly pouting.

"No. Your mine now."

"I don't see your name on me so ah no"

"Fine hold on one second." He said releasing me walking over to the table and grabbing something.

I didn't leave because I was just to curious to see what he was doing.

Quickly he made his way back to me with the mystery object in his hand.

"Give me your hand."

"Why" I said suspiciously.

"Just give it."

"Fine" i said putting my hand in his.

He flipped in palm up and reveled the mystery item which was a pen.

He pulled my hand to him more and awkwardly maneuvered his body so I couldn't see it. I waited wanting to see what it was. Finally he finished and turned back to me a triumphant smirk on his face.

I pulled my hand back and looked down to see it had writing on it. 'PROPERTY OF LIAM PAYNE. MINE'

Was written across my palm in messy scrawl.

"Well what do you know I guess I am yours." I said going along with his silliness for the moment.

"Mhmmm now since your mine I can hold you when ever I want. And I want to right now." Sticking to his word he quickly put his arms back around my waist pulling me back to wear I was before but facing him this time.

"Is this your subtle way of asking me to be your girlfriend?" I said not knowing where this sudden boost of conference came from but deciding to roll with it.

"Depends, if it is would you say yes?" He said back with a hopeful look on his face.

"Ya I would say yes." I said laughing a little.

"Good cause I wasn't gunna take no for an answer."

I leaned up pecking him on the lips. Pulling away quickly smiling teasingly.

"Now that's not very nice." He said pulling me closer then before. He stuck his head down while one hand stayed on the small of my back the other drifter to my chin holding it there. He latched his lips to mine smiling into the kiss.

Not being able to resist I kissed him back. I wasn't really one for PDA and I would bet Liam wasn't either so the kiss didn't last long but it did seal the deal.

"Hey li I got to go get my makeup done you have to release me." I said once we stopped kissing.

"No you stay." He said just as childishly as I was earlier.

"Arnt you supposed to be the mature one."

"No that's Paul's job."

"Oh well then continue pouting." I said in fake realization. "But you do need to let me go or else I will get maddie."

"Oh what can that tinny little lady do." He said continuing to hold me to his chest.

"You asked for it." I said "MADS! Liam won't let me go!"

Maddie shot up from her seat where they were just finishing her makeup. "Super maddie to the rescue!"

She yelled running towards us but got side tracked when she saw the food table. Grabbing a corn dog she began to happily chew on it.

"Maddie focus."

"Oh right back to saving to day."

She set down the corn dog whispering to it "I'll come back for your baby don't worry!" Then continuing back to saving me.

"Let her go evil doer!"

"Never she's my prisoner forever see it even says she's mine on her hand!"

Maddie motioned for me to show her my hand which I did awkwardly pulling it out of its position behind Liam's back.

Looking it over she nodded and "mhmmed"

"Whelp looks like I can't help you. Sorry Charlie." She laughed loudly at her own joke earning her a few stares. She didn't pay us a second glance and pranced back to her corn dog.

"Damn really thought that would work well guess I'll go to plan b."

"And what is that?"


"Hmm let me her your proposition."

He said putting one eyebrow up.

"Well after I get my hair and makeup done you can go back to hugging me all you want but only if you let me go right now."

"Deal" he said releasing me but not before pulling me into one more breathtaking kiss. "Just to tide me over."

"I'm gunna be gone for 15 minutes tops you can last."

"I don't think I can with out you." He said dramatically.

Walking to the chair I turned "oh spare me Romeo."

Laughing he walked over to where all the boys had gathered.

Shacking my head I smiled and let the makeup artiest work her magic.


Hey guys hope you like the chapter! Remember to submit your character idea! We might use more then one even!




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