(Bailey) Step on a crack and break your mommas back!

(Miley) that’s not a song dumbass…

(Bailey) are you sure? I thought it was….OH! How’s that one song go…Lucy’s in the kitchen with Dinah…

(Miley) its SOMEONES in the kitchen with Dinah, genius…

(Bailey) you don’t know…it might be Lucy…maybe she was hungry from all the LSD…does LSD make you hungry?

(Miley) how the hell should I know…and it wasn’t Lucy in the kitchen because whoever it was, was strumming a banjo…which I’m fairly certain you couldn’t do on LSD…

(Bailey) I should learn to play the banjo…

(Miley) *throws her head back in a loud laugh* why should you learn to play the banjo? Not that I am objecting…I think it’s a fabulous idea…

(Bailey) cause I wanna sit in the kitchen and play it…

(Miley) *giggles* I love you so much right now

(Bailey) where the heck are we… *turns around in a circle*

(Miley) *stops suddenly and throws her arms up dramatically* WERE LOST! *breaks out in a fit of giggles*

(Bailey) we are not lost, I just don’t know…where we are… *looks around*

(Miley) Why don’t we just call Joe and have him pick us up…He’s my bitch

(Bailey) we can’t call my brother…are you drunk?

(Miley) why yes….I do believe I am…HIIIIIYA

(Bailey) yea, you must be if you think I’m going to call Joe…what would I say? Oh hey Joe, Miles and I are drunk off our ass and we have no idea where we are…can you come get us? Your ideas are stupid…

(Miley) you’re stupid

(Bailey) Nu-Uh *looks around trying to figure out where they are*

(Miley) nice come back…very grown up….I still say we call Joe

(Bailey) *reads a sign* OH!!! I know where we are…I think….this way! *grabs Mileys sleeve and pulls her down the street to their right*

(Miley) tell me why we didn’t get a ride home….I forget

(Bailey) cause Ronnie was drinking…

 (Miley) not that much…

(Bailey) too much to be driving…

(Miley) so…it’s ok for her to drive drunk…just not with us in the car…

(Bailey) she isn’t driving drunk…I have her keys

(Miley) *Busts up laughing* she is going to be so pissed

(Bailey) better than dead…. LOOK! *points to her house*

(Miley) *claps excitedly* YAY we are saved!!

(Bailey) okay... so when we get in you have to act sober… we gotta be cool

(Miley) I am cool… Freezing…Brrrr…. I need a blanket... or a coat… ooooo or hot cocoa

(Bailey) MILEY! Focus

(Miley) right sorry

(Bailey) so you have to be quiet...

(Miley) I can do that.... oooooo with tiny marshmallows

(Bailey) MILEY!

(Miley!) Sorry... I’m hungry

(Bailey) you’re impossible

(Miley) and you are acting a wee bit like the boring twin

(Bailey) just be cool and go straight to my room

(Miley) I got it…I’m good

*B and Miley walk in to find Joe, Nick, and Kevin sitting on the couch watching sports center*

(Kevin) Hey, how was the movie?

(Miley) I have to pee *makes a b-line upstairs toward B’s room*

(Bailey) movie was ok…we missed a bunch of it because fans kept swarming...going to bed

(Kevin) okie…night, love you

(Bailey) love you too *quickly makes her way upstairs Nick following close behind*

End Chapter Notes:

A very happy birthday to TWO of my favorite Ubers, Happy birthday @WeLuvNickJay and @ChuppaChupp93 , LOVE YOU LADIES!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY!!

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