Chapter Twenty-Three: When The World Faded To Black

Start from the beginning

Oh my fucking god, why is this happening? Argh! I cried silently, my voice breaking until no sound exited my lungs.

The line was thin, but messy, slashed even, as if an invisible entity was speeding through the mutilating of my body. I screamed, the sound echoing endlessly in the white, breaking the silence so abruptly my ears rang with the noise. To stop the hurt and the butcher like cutting of my flesh, my hands flew to my naked chest, attempting to stem the flow. Still the invisible knife dove deeper, the strokes becoming faster until finally it pulled away and I forced myself to look again.

No… no… No… I don’t understand! Why?

There, on once white skin lay the jagged carving of a heart, its edges dark crimson and straight slashes of the cruellest kind. I whimpered as I stared at it, watching in horror as it began to fade, sinking into my chest, the edges knitting together slowly, almost impossible to see, until it had completely disappeared. I was left clutching at the clean skin, scratching at it as if trying to dig the sadistic carving from my body.

Where is it! Where did it go? Oh god… oh god… where am I? What is this? Are you there? Hello! Anyone!

“Hello!” I yelled, stinging tears tracing down my cheeks, my voice straining and breaking. “Anyone? Please! Please! Help me please! ACCEL! ACE!”

What did I do? Why do I deserve this! Am I being punished… Is God punishing me? No… no I didn’t do anything wrong! I loved him! I love him now… I need him now…

“Ace please… please is you can hear me, I want to go home and be with you… I need you,” I whispered, the tears rolling over bloodstained cheeks, only to peel away, hanging like melted crystals in the air, “I don’t want to die!”

The feeling of weightlessness suddenly lifted from my stomach. A nauseating tightness replaced it, as if the same hand that had moments before mutilated my chest, suddenly clenched my insides with an iron fist.

“Wha-” I began, but was cut off as with a sudden wrench I began to fall, plunging faster and faster downwards until I was speeding towards god knows what. I was screaming as the white began to flicker to black again, faster and faster until it was dancing like a checkerboard in front of my mind. Wind plastered my hair back and I struggled to keep my eyes open against the onslaught, the flashing lights surrounding me hypnotizing me until it felt like I was being dragged by a bullet train down a living optical illusion. Helplessly I screamed, begging, pleading for it to stop, the terrifying vertigo causing my head to spin in circles, the lights sending me into a hypnotic trance. I couldn’t focus, couldn’t breathe, it was all becoming too much.

Then everything stopped.


The black dragged on for an eternity, a soft drone becoming louder and louder in the dark, until it felt like a bomb siren was blasting inside my eardrums. Screaming, the sound was lost in the mind shattering noise, a twist in the core of my gut, lurching me downwards in the time it took to blink.

With a slam my body crashed into warmth, the world I was in shattering into a million pieces with the sound of glass breaking fading into a another blinding flash of light. It scattered before my eyes, dozens of sounds slamming into my mind, images taking shape before my eyes, the metallic taste intensifying tenfold and the rough feel of sheets caressing my skin.

“… awake! Andrew…”

The voices faded when I blinked, before snapping into a sharp focus as soon as my lids lifted, my eyes desperately seeking some kind of physical being.

“AJ!” a voice yelled. Something warm clasped around my arm and my head rolled weakly in that direction, my mind dizzy and disorientated.

A-ace? My mind croaked, my mouth trying to form words but failed as a bulky and plastic object filled my mouth. Where… What? I don’t understand… how did I get here… where was I? That place… where am I now?

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