Chapter Two: Not So Late Night Shopping

Start from the beginning

Didn’t dad say something about studying for a new school before he left…? Oh well... LIKE I was going to study on the goddamn holidays anyway. I almost laughed at the thought. Funny joke.

I looked around my house. I was so sick of staying home everyday! I knew every show that would be coming on at the exact time it would air due to the nights I had sat there drunk, flipping through channels until I passed out. It just goes to show the productivity of my imagination when I’m home alone. Zero to none. To make matters worse the damned cat was beginning to act strangely, randomly collapsing every ten minutes into a corner.

Maybe I should feed it sometime soon…  I glanced over at the rapidly depleted food supply. Since when did it get so low? I swear we had at least ten times that this morning… or maybe that was yesterday. I glanced at it again. It really is tiny…. Maybe I should go… no. Do I really need to? I mean the cat can starve…. I let the dark brown fringe flop into my eyes as I numbly resigned myself to the fact that I couldn’t actually let my mother’s beloved demon die.

I have to go grocery shopping.

Flipping my head up to the ceiling I let out a long drawn out groan that caused the cat to look up, the expression on its face something along the lines of: what the fuck was that for?

“What the hell are you looking at? You wanna go for me?” I asked the cat bluntly. It simply raised an eyebrow, twitched its tail then fell back to sleep. I turned my head towards the small fish tank on the wall beside me, attempting to send it some kind of telepathic message to go to the shops for me.

It just swam right past with its blank eyes staring vaguely into the distance.

“Fucking stoner fish,” I muttered.

 FINE. Just for the record though, I’ll remember this one day. When I’m rich and famous and all you pathetic animals need a hand, I won’t help you. I paused criticising myself for a) talking to animals and b) Referring to a non-existent future. Who the fuck am I kidding? Can you imagine me being famous or RICH? Ha-ha, don’t make me laugh.

Sighing resignedly I stared blankly at the shadowed ceiling that flickered with different shades of light cast from the television. Slightly buzzed I got to my feet, dragging myself up the stairs to my bedroom whereupon my entrance collapsed on the bed. I’ll go in five minutes. Five minutes…


Beep Beep Beep.

Beep BEEP Beep.


My hand groped around clumsily, blindly fumbling for the familiar shape of my phone. Eventually my hand made contact and I forced my bleary eyes open, confusion crossing my slack muscles. Why am I waking up!?


Go away!

I finally managed to hit a button on my phone that read out the time.

“Seven fifteen pm,” the mechanical voice sounded in the darkness.  

Quarter past seven? Ugh… I’m hungry… hungry… Wait the shops! I panicked running my hands through my sleep messed scene styled hair. “Shit! The shops!”

Hurriedly I threw myself from my bed, flying downstairs, grabbing the keys off the counter and shoving my Converse on, not bothering with the laces. “This is your fault!” I yelled at the cat as I ran past, almost tripping over the door way. Slamming the door closed I quickly locked it, shoving the keys in the back pocket of my jeans. I heard coins knocking against each other in one of the pockets and I sighed inwardly in relief as I skidded to the sidewalk, unhappily noting the gloomy sky. Please, please don’t rain! I hate rain! As soon as the gate closed behind me I started sprinting, praying I wouldn’t fall over in the darkness, the streetlights barely lighting my way. The shops weren’t too far away, only about a twenty minute walk from my house. Luckily though, I was running. Which will be really helpful considering I suck shit at sports, I thought sarcastically.

There's The Cat and Then There's Me [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now