Chapter 10: Are you Crazy?

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I walked out and as I saw Luke I remembered I didn't pee. I shyly laugh "Um, I forgot to pee." Luke laughed loud and unevenly "How? How do you? Do you forget to? Forget to pee?"I blushed and went back. Once I finished, I wanted to avoid Luke but eventually I had to confront him. As I exit, I see his face lit up "wow, that drug really did a number on you huh." I laughed "I'm never going to forget this night." He smirked "don't mean to pry but what made you come tonight, I mean, even become friends with my brother and his annoying lover." I laughed "Annoying lover?" he smiles "Me and Arlene bet that there's like a gay spark between them." I cover my mouth before I laugh loudly. I could feel my eyes water and face burn. He smirks "I love your laugh; it's so, so lovely." He reaches out and puts a strand of hair behind my ear. His body was so close to mine, I could feel the goose bumps run down my spine. I move away a little "I don't know why, but suddenly Louis and Ashton became my friends, it seemed so natural with us. And then Arlene is cool you know, and you and Zayn. I'm just glad I accepted friendship with the idiots, I need something uplifting in my life." He reclined against and table, crossing his arms "Uplifting?" I sighed "It's a long story. Besides we should go before Ashton burns the building to the ground." He smiled down to the ground saying "That dumbass."

We return back, Arlene was sitting on the counter, sipping on her drink looking at Louis and Ashton wrestling on the floor. Soon as Arlene saw us she yelled "These dumbasses." I laughed and headed towards her. I recline my back against the counter and watch Luke jump in on the action. She whispered "shacking up?" I turned to her "what?" she smirked "You and Luke. Took a long time. Trust if not these idiots would keep their hands off themselves." I laughed quietly "No, there's nothing." If she only knew it was Zayn. She asked "No action?" I nod no and she yelled, clapping her hands "Alright future low life's, let's go." Luke yelled "Looks whose talking." She sneered. Louis gets up and yelled "Bitches! Look what you guys did to my hair!" Ashton laughed "Louis your hair is horrible no matter what style you have it." Louis flipped him off. Ashton groans as he pushes himself off the floor.

Luke smiles "Emma! Help!" he wiggles his fingers in the air and I head towards him, reaching out for his hands but when our hands grip, he pulls me down with him, tickling me. I punch him, and let loose of his grip. I start to laugh slowly, holding my rib cage. I scoffed "I don't have the energy to laugh Luke." He giggles and gets up from the floor. Then I see Arlene mouth "shacking." I nod no and lift myself up from the floor.

Luke sighs "Alright looks clean. Let's go." As soon as Louis opened the door, we saw snow falling and then the sudden cold breeze hit us, making us shiver. Louis quickly closes the door saying "Shit! It's freezing." I slowly said "It's beautiful." I reach out, pushing the door open and stepping outside into the falling snow. Ashton yelled "You're fucking crazy Emma! Get in before you die."I ignored Ashton and walked further out, expanding my arms out and feel the snow tickling down my body. I ignored the sharp pain of the cold. Then from behind me, Luke hovers over me, protecting me from the snow, pushing his weight onto me. His arms extended out to my side, his chin rested on my head. He said "Never seen the snow?" I softly whisper "Never... doesn't it look beautiful?" he chuckled "Yeah it does."

Then Ashton ruins the moment "Hurry up, get in the fucking car." And the car honks. We detach and run towards the car. Luke opens the door and I slide in first. Then Luke sits next to me, closing the door behind him. Arlene sitting next to me, arms me, lifting her eye brows up. I roll my eyes and rub my palms against each other. Louis smirks "You could watch the snow in snow gear, but in that, you'll die." I laughed "I've never seen snow Louis, give me a break." Then Ashton turns on the radio, and the rest of the car ride was silent. I started to feel sleepy and reclined against Luke's arm.

Louis pulls up to a small two story building. Ashton smiles "Later and I'll tell mom you said hi." Luke smirks "Bye and thanks man, tell her I miss her and love her." Ashton laughed "dude you text her that every god damn day, I think shell know." Luke blushed "dude, really, didn't need to proclaim that." Ashton giggled more "you were fucking telling me to tell mom you love her." Luke yelled "Get the fuck out Ashton." Ashton scoffs "Love you too." Ashton gets out, waving bye and entering the house. I quietly ask "You don't live with them?" Arlene scoffed "no this dumbass and Zayn got shipped to boarding school. They basically live there." I nod "Oh cool."

We drove next to a gated fence; the sign read "University of Thompson". Then I quickly remembered that I left my belongings in Zayn's car. Not wanting to ask, I cleared my throat "Hey, do you mind telling Zayn if I could grab my bag from his car?" Luke smiled "Yeah, sure, come with me." then Louis yelled "Are you crazy, they see her and both of you will be punished." Luke laughed "Its night time officer." Luke got off, reaching out for my hand to pull me out. I asked "Are you sure? I don't want to get you in trouble." Luke reached further in and pulled me out saying "I'm positive." Louis yelled "Dumbass!"

Luke quickly pulled me across the lawn and into a building. Luke whispered "If you hear anything, run like hell." I tug on the back of his shirt and we quietly move along the halls. We climbed three flights of stairs and reached a long hall. Luke whispered "Sorry for the mess." I smile and quietly tip toe through the halls. Suddenly a voice from a closed door sounds "Luke?" then Luke opens a door and pushing me inside, I tumble down on the floor and Luke closes the door. Then a raspy voice said "Emma?" I look up at a sleepy Zayn, rubbing his eyes. He's probably not sure if it's me in his room. Then we heard Luke say "Professor Dame." Then Zayn sits up "Under the bed." He lifts his sheets and I roll underneath. Then the door opens, the light quickly reaching the room. A old voice said "Okay, but next time don't come home so late." Then the light disappears and the sound of the door clicking.

Luke whispered "Emma?" I roll out under Zayn's bed and sigh "I should have stayed waiting in the car." Then Zayn asked the same question is was thinking "Why is Emma here?" Luke scoffed "Your dumbass took off with her stuff. She needs it back." Zayn groans and jumps off the bed. He reached over the desk, grabbing his keys saying "Come on." I lift myself up from the ground and wave "Bye Luke, see you later." He reaches out and hugs me. I pull away and wave bye, following Zayn out the door. We quietly make our way through the hall, and quickly run down the stairs. We exit the building and run around the building. I stop to think, it's not snowing anymore, but the ground is still slippery. When I see the lot of cars, we run to Zayn's white Honda. Zayn unlocks the car, reaches inside and pulls out my beach bag. He slams the door shut and locks it.

He hands me the bag saying "Emma I..." I reach for my bag, and cut him off saying "Zayn its fine, it was an emotional moment, besides I was high." Zayn rubs the back of his neck "Well I wasn't high and yeah that moment was emotional but I don't regret it." I feel my heart drop. I sigh "Zayn you have..." he cuts me off saying "She cheated on me, she isn't my girlfriend anymore."

How Did We Get Here // Luke Hemmings & Zayn MalikOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora