Chapter One Hundred and Six

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What's happened in the past few years? Well, Zayn's 14 nearly 15. Weird right? He's a normal hormonal teenager who can't decide what to do half of the time. He looks so much like Justin too. He's into singing, playing guitar and girls of course. Justin's thinking of signing Zayn so he could make a living of his voice. But me being me, I said no. I don't want Zayn to go through everything Justin went through. About a few years after Zayn was born, Justin had a breakdown. A real breakdown. He didn't eat, sleep for weeks. It was all down to the media. You see, everyone was making rumours about Justin, saying he was cheating, he was doing drugs. The worst one? The one they made up about him raping a teenage girl. I mean seriously? How thick do you have to be? Anyway, it took him about a year to get his life back on track, but... He's better now. Pattie and Jeremy are still going, Jeremy split with Erin and ended up marrying Pattie. Cute right? Fredo still hasn't found a girl. One direction? They've gone their separate ways. They didn't think it was right to carry on without Zayn being around. Harry and Niall teamed up, Liam didn't bother after that and Louis? Louis became a fashion designer. Different I know. Me? I sing now and then. I make videos for my fans and we also do a twitcam every so often. It New Years Eve right now. 15 Years since Zayn died. It feels weird. It was almost like yesterday he was walking around, making sure I didn't fall down the stairs. "Mum, who was he?" Zayn asked. No, me and Justin never told Zayn the story about Malik. "Well, when I had you? I lost... A lot of blood and honestly? I would of died. But... Your uncle Zayn? He saved me. He use to like me, a lot. You could almost say he fell for me. His blood type was the same as mine and.... He gave it to me.... And died himself.." I sniffed, thinking back to when he told me what his decision was. "D-Do you miss him?" Zayn stuttered, rubbing my back. Even though he's such a 'cool kid' He always takes care of me. "Y-Yeh... I-I I do, all the time.." I chocked, wiping my eyes. I stood up and grabbed Zayn's arm, motioning him it was time to go. "No, I wanna stay here, just for 10 minuets?" He begged, I nodded and walked towards Justin, who was sitting on the bench. Justin was never one to say hi to the dead. He always struggled with his Granddad. "Hey Zayn... You probably don't recognise me huh? Well, I'm all grown up... I have a few words to say.." I heard Zayn whisper, he sniffed before carrying on. "I wanna thank you, for saving my mum, because honestly? I wouldn't of done it without her... I just wish... I just wish you were here... So I could see what you looked like, how you acted... You seemed like an awesome person you know? I-I better go but... Ill be down soon okay buddy?" He traced Zayn's name on the stone before walking over. "Lets go.." He whispered, walking towards the car. "You know... I have a surprise for you... Later" Justin whispered before turning on the ignition. What?


Tonight? I'm taking Rylie out. Where? Its a surprise. Lets just say... We haven't been there in a long time. We arrived back to the house. Zayn running straight upstairs and YN stood there, looking at me. "What should I wear?" She asked, blushing slightly. "Urm... This.." I mumbled, handing her a purple dress, the same dress she wore on our first date? On the beach remember? Where I asked her out? Yes? Remember now? Rylie nodded and skipped upstairs. I sighed happily, knowing she'll love my surprise. "Ready..." She breathed out, walking down the stairs. "Mum... You look amazing.." Zayn smiled, kissing her cheek before going back into the frontroom. "Shall we?" I smirked, walking her to the car. After a 20 minuet drive we arrived at the beach. I blindfolded Rylie before walking her to the same spot we sat. I picked up my guitar and strummed on it softly before taking her blindfold off. "Ju---" Before she could finish her sentence she looked around and realised where we were. "Justin this is amazing!" She squealed, before listening to what I was about to say. "I wanna sing you a song, the same song I sang you Years and Years ago..." I smiled, before starting the song.

"Well let me tell you a story..." I sang softly. Rylie started to blush. "What's gonna make you faalllll....." 

"That was amazing..." Rylie whispered, before walking over to me. She sat beside me, playing with my hair. "You really did Fall in love with me didn't you..." She joked, nudging me slightly. "Yeh I did, and I've never doubted my love for you... Ever.." I kissed her lips softly, holding her waist. "I love you so much.." I whispered, looking into her eyes. "I love you to Justin. forever and always..."

And they lived happily ever after the end ;) I hope you enjoyed this story...<3

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