chapter thirty seven

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"No, you go in first Jaxon..."

"No... Jazzy... You!" I heard little voices from outside our bedroom door. I turned over to see Justin, already looking at me with a smirk. "Go get them then.." He demanded. What? I stood up and walked over to the door. "Santa didn't leave any presents guys, sorry.." I joked. I saw the look of disappointment in their eyes. "Don't worry kids, Rylie is just jealous because she want's all your cool presents.." I heard Justin behind me. The kids both screamed before running into the bedroom, jumping on the bed. I grabbed my phone and checked the time, 6:30am. Well, Justin wasn't joking when he said they'll be early. I rubbed my eyes and watched their excitement come to life as they opened present after present. "Rylie, will you play dolls with me and my new doll house?" I heard Jazzy ask. Yep, me and Justin bought her a huge dolls house with loads of dolls to go with it. We got Jaxon a massive car set. "Sure thing baby girl.." I sat down with her, as she picked out her favourite dolls and gave me her least favourite. We were sat there for about an hour, Justin was playing cars with Jaxon. I couldn't help but take a picture, it was so cute. When Jeremy and Erin finally got out of bed the kids put their new toys in a tidy pile before running to get MORE presents. "I could get use to seeing you like that with kids.." Justin wrapped his arms around my waist. "What do you mean?" I turned to face him with a confused look. "Oh, just someday... When we have kids of our own.." He wants kids with me? Awh how sweet! "Your so cheesy Justin, now open your present." I handed him a bag full of presents. Yeh I kinda went over the top. He opened each and every one. "I'm sorry I didn't get you as much but, here.." He handed me a small bag. He gave me a top, saying Bieber.. A jumper that said Girlfriend which I new I was getting because he got one saying boyfriend. And he got me a diamond neckless. On the back it said 'I love you' "Oh Justin this is beautiful!" I screeched. This was literally the best Christmas yet! "That's not it though, but you have to wait until new years eve..." New years? Why? I giggled and kissed him softly. 


Rylie seemed to enjoy all her presents! She looked so cute playing dolls with Jazzy. After the kids made a huge mess of our room we decided to go back to sleep. But that didn't happen. Turns out we needed to get to grandma's for about 9 so... I jumped in the shower with Rylie. Which kinda ended in something else;) After we FINALLY got changed we made our way to my nans. MMMM I can smell her roast dinner from miles away. This will be the first time Yn's met my grandparents. She didn't meet them when I was back in Canada, I never know why? "Grandma, this is Rylie.." My nan looked her up and down. "Hi sweetie.." They seemed to get along really well...


Christmas was amazing! I felt like I ate too much. Everyone seemed to enjoy their presents from me and Justin. He said something that got me thinking. What if he wants kids with me? I mean, me of all people? Surly he will get bored of me? No don't think like that, you'll make yourself cry. I lay in the empty bed, waiting for justin to get his ass in. He walked in wearing nothing but his boxers. I couldn't help but bite my lip. "Like what you see?" He winked. "Mmm" he chuckled and walked over. "I enjoyed today, I could get use to family Christmases with you." He whispered. What? "Same Justin, what do you mean though?" I have to ask him some time right? "Well, we're gonna get old right? And have kids and.... Don't worry, ill spoil it.." Spoil what? What was he planning? I shook it off. "Well either way, I wanna be with you okay?" He smiled and kissed my temple. "Night princess..." 


Shit that was close. I almost gave my plan away. That would of been good, not. Seeing Rylie with the kids today really got me thinking. I wanna spend the rest of my life with her, and have kids with her. Like a proper fairy tale? Ya know the girl meets her Prince Charming and they live happily ever after? Yeh I want it to be like that. Cheesy I know but, Rylie's kept me sain, through all the rumours, all the hurt. She's pulled me through. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend. 

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