chapter twenty seven

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Well, things are slowly getting back to normal. Rylie's going shopping with Zayn. I'm okay about it I just... The media are gonna make up a load of stuff. But at the end of the day they're only shopping right? Anyway, today I'm spending my day with the crew, sorting out tonight's show, I've got an interview too. That's gonna be fun. Not. They always ask the same damn questions. "Baby I'm off okay? Ill see you at the arena about 5 ish okay?" I nodded. "Have a good day." I pecked her lips. "Ill bring McDonalds too" She whispered in my ear. "Mmmm See you later..." I winked. I love it how she can be herself around me and how we can eat fatty food together. I mean, with Selena, it was always healthy food. But with Rylie, even if Scooter says no, She will still go out and buy us junk food. I feel sorry for her sometimes because, I eat alot and most of the time she tries to eat as much as me, and she ends up feeling sick. But its cool. "Justin, we gotta go for your interview okay? I've recorded it so Rylie can watch it when she gets back, C'mon!" Did he read my mind or something? Although to be fair, I always record my interviews for her, partly because she loves watching it and partly because there is always one question about her. I walked into the studio and got put on set straight away. "Justin Bieber everyone!" There was this small old woman sitting on a chair. "He what's up guys?" The audience screamed. "Okay, first things first, your on your world tour right?"

"Yep, accompanied by One Direction and Rylie.." They all 'AWWWW'd

"So, how is she?" Knew that was coming.

"Ur yeh she's good, she's shopping with a few friends."

"Okay, the question on everyone's lips are.. Why was Selena in your hotel.?" You have got to be kidding me?

"We had a party and well... She got invited." Simple...

"Okay, and hows your relationship with Rylie? You love her right?" Every fucking time.

"Yes, we're good, amazing actually, its nice having her on tour with me because that means I'm not a million miles away from her. Urm, we have a busy schedule most of the time but we always find time for us, I honestly love her so much." They all AWWWW'd again making me shy. 

"You gonna marry her?" This is a question I've never had before.

"Urm... I would love to yeh, I mean, I can't see my future with anyone else.." 

"Awh well, thank you for coming in today.."

"Thank you for having me, bye guys!" Thank fuck that's over! I don't mind interviews, its just they annoy the fuck out of me when they ask about the future, kinda gives some things away sometimes. And the fact that she had the nerve to ask about Selena. Well at least I put the media straight. "So Justin, we're going to the arena now and get you sorted.." I heard Scooter trailing off. We walked over to the arena, thank god I haven't got M&G's today. I think I'd die. I'm literally so tired. There was loads of fans outside the arena, most of them crazy fans but, there were a few that sat there and cried, partly because they couldn't get to me. "Scooter, go get those girls sitting down, I wanna talk to them..." He gave me the.. 'What the fuck?' Look before walking over. He brought them over, they were crying even more. I don't get it, you be nice to a girl, they cry, you shout at a girl, they cry. "Hey why you crying?" I pulled them in for a hug. There was only 2 of them. "Wanna picture?" They both nodded. I took a picture and headed back to the arena. 


"Zayn! Haha" I couldn't help but laugh at Zayn, who was in an underwear shop, putting thongs on his head. We were both in fits of laughter. Today has kinda made me forget about all the bad. Zayn takes away the pain that others leave behind. He can see right through me. Its crazy right? "where to next?" Shit, I still need to get Justin's christmas present as well as everyone elses. "Urm.... The sports shop?" He gave me the most weirdest look ever before bursting out in laughter. "What? I love the sports shop?" "Okay, LEGGOO!" He screamed. The whole mall was silent. "Omg! Justin will LOVE these!" I picked up these DC's, he hasn't owned a pair in ages. Once we finally finished shopping we popped into McDonalds before heading for the arena. "Thanks for today, I really enjoyed myself.." To be fair, its been the most funniest day I've had in ages. "Yeh it was hilarious, remember when we were in starbucks and you chocked on your drink and spat it everywhere?" That was hilarious. "Omg! Haha that was funny! We should do it again sometime.." He nodded. "Well, Ill see you on the stage.." He gave me a quick hug before heading in the other direction. I knocked on Justin's dressing room door. "who is it?" his voice rang through the door. "McDonalds, we're got your big mack?" I heard him chuckle as he walked through the door. "Hey beautiful.." He pecked my lips before snatching the McDonalds. "Hey! Mines in there!" I grabbed my food and sat beside him. "Good day?" I asked him. "Yeh, oh the interviews recorded at the hotel so you can watch it okay?" wow, he knows me so well. "Thanks baby.." He chuckled. "You had a good day? Early bird.." "Yeh, it was hilarious, we were in starbucks and Zayn made me laugh, and I spat my drink everywhere after chocking on it.." I kinda felt bad for telling him this. Well, its what we use to do before everything happened. "but anyway, we should go out tomorrow yeh? So you can get your family some stuff?" Hinting that I wanted to make it up to him.. "Yeh sure! Just don't spray your drink all over me.." We both chuckled. "Ill try not to baby.."

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