chapter eighteen

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"I don't... I just want you to be there." I could feel myself breaking. I know she won't go, and I know why. She's right. Things haven't been the same since Selena, we are falling apart. We haven't had a proper convosation since we've got back from holiday. She's always been at interviews and I've always been getting ready for this whole tour. Maybe we're too young for this sort of relationship? Maybe it is time to let go. Maybe Usher was right, we should have waited until everything was sorted. "Justin, you and I both know, this isn't gonna work.." She sighed, tears streaming down her face. It has to end. but not like this? a broken hearted girl and boy who were once the best thing in the world? She started to dart around the room, putting things in suitcases. I didn't even stop her. How could I? We both knew there was nothing left, nothing there to grab onto. You may be thinking.. Yes! Look back to how you use to be! Well... I have, I miss those times but I know we will never get them back. Rylie was still running around the room, finding everything that was hers. Even though she's missing one thing, the bracelet I was gonna give her. I had a matching one. "Wait, before you go..." I handed it to her. She gave me a confused look. "It was meant to be for when I was on tour, so you always knew I was there.. But, I guess you can just have it.." I sighed. " Thank you Justin, Ill keep it with me..." She chocked out. Its hard, seeing a loved one just walk out of your life. Thing is... Chaz and Ryan were going back today to, but I knew they'll be back in a few months anyway but Rylie? I wont ever see her again. And that's what scares me. Now were just strangers with memories. I don't recognise anything, not me, or her, or this relationship. "Rylie you ready sweetie?" I heard Fredo through the door. "Ur yeh, just give me a few..." She just finished packing everything when she turned to me. "I'm sorry Justin, I really am. But, we aren't the same anymore... I guess... I guess this is the last time Ill be seeing you.." Her cries getting harder and harder. I jumped off of the bed and pulled her into my arms, making both of us cry even harder than before. "You know Ill always love you right? No matter who I end up with, Ill always remember my first love. I love you Rylie, more than ever." I sobbed. She took a deep breath, kissed my cheek before saying. "I love you too Justin Drew Bieber, have fun.." She wiped her eyes and made her way downstairs. I couldn't go to the door to say bye. Sad right? Ryan and Chaz popped up and said their goodbyes. "We'll look after her bro, we promise" I heard Chaz say. I just nodded in response. I felt so numb inside. 


Leaving Justin like this? Is the most hurtful thing I have ever done but... There's nothing left, nothing to hold onto. I promised myself I wouldn't cry infront of him. But, when I said bye I couldn't stop. He's just, he's been there, all the time. Even when I pushed him away all those years ago, he would still try. He was like my soul mate. We were joined at the hip. And now? Now we'll be lucky if we get that close. I knew this would feel like a bad idea at first but, its better for him and for me in the long run. Even though I'm not with him? I'm gonna make him proud, he told me no matter who or what brings you down, always believe in yourself and make your dream come true, so I'm becoming a singer. I know I know... Why can't you just ask Scooter? Well see the thing is.. Scooters busy with Justin so, I'm gonna do it my own way. "Hey, you alright?" Chaz stood beside me at the airport, he wrapped me in his arms like a baby. "No, but yeh ill be cool, its for the best anyway." I sighed. I can't help but think. What if this break up properly breaks Justin? I heard a banging on the window behind me. I turned to see Justin. He put his hand up on the window. I did the same. This was it. This was the very last time Ill see him. Tears streamed from his eyes, making me want him more. I just wanna hold him one last time but I can't. It will just make it harder to let go. His eyes were full of pain and hurt. How could I of done this? This isn't right. "Flight to Canada leaves in 2 mins" I heard the flight manager say. I took one last look at Justin. I pointed to my eyes, then made a heart, and pointed at him. Before turning around and leaving. "C'mon, he'll be okay, you both will." 

"Thanks Chaz, its just gonna take time."

1 and a half years later 


Well, I've finally got myself back together. I had like this nervous breakdown after I left Justin. I was in a very dark hole and no one was there to pull me out. Apart from Chaz and Ryan. But they didn't really know about the whole thing. Just little bits. When we got back to Canada we bought a huge flat together and I finished school and got a degree in singing. I emailed Scooter to see if he could get me someone who would be interested in signing so... He emailed me back saying Usher would, and so would Justin. I've gotta go up there today so yeh. I'm really worried because well, I haven't seen Justin in a while. We haven't actually spoke. And I don't think scooter knows about that. Maybe Justin's said we do talk? I dunno. I grabbed my keys and my coat before dragging Chaz out the door. He had to come with me. "Your gonna do fine stop worrying.." I sat in the passengers seat, picking and fiddling with my fingers. "I can't help it I mean, what if I see him and... He's with another girl?" He just chuckled. "He stopped dating Selena about a month ago, and he's working on an album called believe acoustic. I don't think he'll have a girlfriend." I just sighed, trying to enjoy the journey. 


When Rylie left, she left a huge whole in my heart. And the only person who filled it was her. Until Selena came along. We dated properly for a while and it was going great! Until she said she doesn't like the lights the fact that she's in the spotlight when I'm not there scared her. We sorted it out in the end. Then she got bitchy, constantly wanting new things, and I just gave up. I'm abit nervous about today to be honest. I've missed Rylie so much it kills me. I mean what if she's with another guy? I couldn't handle that. "Aye bro just relax, it'll be cool.." 

"Usher man, what if I fall for her again and she don't like me?" He just chuckled. "Dude, she walked out because of your career, now she's getting one... You never know." He nudged me. I guess he's right. There was a knock at the door and usher answered. "Yes come on in.. Justin's in the front room waiting for you to sing." And that's where I saw her. She was so beautiful, so fragile. My heart ached and my skin urged for her touch. "Hi." She looked up. "Oh hi.." Maybe she was nervous to? "Just don't worry, your gonna be fine baby..." She looked at me confused and then I realised what I said. "Shit sorry, force of habit." We both laughed. "It's okay justy, it's good to see you again." She pulled me in for a hug. "Okay, lets go?" I heard usher say, I saw YN turn bright red. Oh bless. 


Holy fuck Justin got hot. I mean, he's all muscle, he has tattoos he even has a tattoo of an owl, like the one I drew him ages ago? His hair is just... Okay remain calm. I've missed him so much. "Okay Rylie whatcha gonna sing?" Usher interrupted my thoughts. "Ah yes URM, I'm gonna sing URM, I won't give up by Jason Maraz." He just nodded. 

"When I look into your eyes

It's like watching the night sky

Or a beautiful sunrise

Oh there's so much they hold

And just like them old stars..." 

Everyone looked so surprise with the voice that was coming out of me. When I finished they call stood up. "Okay. Usher I think you should have her, you can take her through the stages.." I heard Justin say. Why not him? Either way I was happy. 


After today I just need to get into that studio. I sat down and literally wrote a song, just from today. I sat down by my piano and started to sing it.

"Lately I've been thinking

Thinkin bout what we had

I know it's hard it was all that we knew yeh

Have you been drinking

To take all the pain away

I wish that I could give you what you deserve

Coz nothing can ever

Ever replace you"

'Fall' (Justin Bieber love story)*completed*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon