Chapter One Hundred

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Few weeks later ....


Christmas. What I love about Christmas? Everything. What scares me the most? tomorrow is due day. Yep. Justin won't leave my side unless I need to pee. It was early morning and everyone was sat round the tree. I sat on the sofa with Jazzy and Jaxon while everyone opened their presents. A small pain hit my lower stomach. Did he kick or something? I didn't tell anyone because they were all enjoying their presents. I sat there, smiling at everyone's happy faces. I looked over at Justin, who was thanking his mum for some shoes she bought him. Jeremy was thanking Scooter and Fredo. Zayn was looking in my direction, with a weird look. "What you want creep?" I smirked snapping him out of his day dream. "here..." He handed me a small box. I opened it to see a small metal bracelet with the words 'Stay strong, my beautiful swan' In fancie writing. It's so beautiful. "Zayn.." I whispered, pulling him in for a hug before slipping it on. Another sharp pain hit my lower stomach. "Ouch.." I whispered, maybe a little too loud. "What was that?" Justin said, all eyes on me. "Oh, I acciedntly pinched myself.." I said making up any excuse. They soon dropped it and went back to everything they were doing. I sighed knowing I'd got away with it. I stood up and headed to the bathroom. "Where you going princess?" Justin asked running after me. "To pee you wanna come?" I said with a sly smile. "Nope, but dinners almost ready.." He kissed my cheek before running off. I sighed in relief before looking at myself in the mirror. Yet again the same sharp pain hit me. This time even stronger. "Stop kicking jeez!" I hissed, walking towards the table. Everyone was sat round, picking out the food they wanted. Justin looked up and smiled as I walked in. "You feeling okay?" He asked, pulling my chair out for me. "Yeh, just tried.." I lied, hoping he wouldn't suspect anything. I smiled weakly before grabbing what I wanted. 


Rylie has been acting weird all day. I don't know whether its because she's due tomorrow or because she's generally tired but she isn't herself. We just tucked into our tea when I heard something running onto the floor. Like water or something. I looked over at Rylie who seemed to be in deep conversation with Zayn. There was this water like liquid running down her chair. Shit. What is that? "Urm... Babe?" I coughed, trying to get her attention. "yes?" She smiled, turning to me. "Urm.." I couldn't take my eyes off the liquid spilling out of her. "Fuck.." She cursed, looking up at me. Our eyes met and we knew it was time. "Zayn get her bag! Mum, get everyone in the car!" I shouted, helping Rylie up. She screamed in pain, holding her stomach. "Breathe baby please.." I whined, helping her in the car. "HURRY UP ZAYN!" She screamed as Zayn ran out the door towards the car. "Ready?" I asked, chucking him the car keys. He nodded starting the ignition. "Justin this hurts so bad...." She cried, holding onto my hand. "I know baby but you gotta breathe through the pain..." I said rubbing the top of her head. "OWWWWW!" She screamed, clutching my hand even harder. Seeing her in pain hurts alot. Knowing I can't do anything about it makes it worse. 

We finally made it to the hospital. Zayn chucked Harry her suitcase while he helped me carry Rylie into the hospital. A nurse ran straight towards us, directing us to her room. We managed to get into th room, laying Rylie on the bed. "Mr Bieber, Mr Malik, you are gonna have to leave..." She said pushing us out. I can't leave her. I turned around to see everyone sitting in the private waiting room. Everyone breathing like mad. "Is she okay?" Chaz asked, walking towards me. "Yeh.. I think..." I mumbled, sitting beside my mum. "They're just checking her, and seeing how far on she is. You'll be able to go see her soon..." She whispered, rubbing my back. About 10 minuets later, the nurse came back. "Mr Bieber, we need you." She said sternly. I looked around to see everyone nodding. My dad giving me the thumbs up. This is it. Its time.


I was in so much pain. The gas and air wasn't working. The fucking nurse stuck a needle in my back, which hasn't even done anything. She stuck her fingers in places I don't even want and told me I was ready before leaving the room. Didn't know I was giving birth on my own. About 5 minuets later she came back, but not alone. Justin rushed over, holding my hand. "this is it baby.." He whispered kissing the top of my head. Sweat fell from my head and I felt pain strike me once again. "AHHH JUSTIN!" I screamed holing his hand tight. "Breathe baby your doing so well, just keep pushing.." He shouted, wiping away the sweat from my head. "I can't do this.." I cried, shaking my head. "This is too painful I can't.." I chocked, the nurse looked up with a smile on her face. "Your almost there, One more push!" She shouted, that was it. I gave it my all, screaming and shouting towards Justin. His eyes filled with tears as the pain suddenly went. Everything was a blur. I couldn't see Justin, or the nurse. Then that's when I heard it. A baby cry. My baby cry. Everything came back. I looked up to see Justin crying, looking down towards me. "I'm so proud of you.." He whispered, kissing the top of my head. The nurse walked over with something in her arms. "Wanna see Jacob?" She smiled, handing me the smalll lump in a towel. I looked down to see a small baby. The most beautiful baby this earth will ever see. Tears ran down my face as Justin leaned down to kiss the tiny figure. "Welcome to the world Jacob.." He whispered, kissing my lips lightly. "We did it.." I chocked, still holding my baby. Its all to real. "Thanks for the best Christmas present ever..."

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