chapter seven

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Few months later (sorry;) )

Rylie's P.O.V

Well, these last few months have been... The biggest struggle ever. Everyone knows like everything about me and justin. Where we go, who we see. Constantly making up rumours. The biggest one I fear about is the one I saw this morning. Justin was out at the studio creating songs for his up coming world tour 'my world' strange right? Anyway I was on twitter just seeing what people have said about me, scrolling through a few hate tweets I came across one that, made me cry tbh. 'Haven't you see the news @TheBiebsMyIdol Justin is aparently getting with Selena, what's going on?' What? Was he cheating? I scrolled through a few others who had pictures of justin and her. Was he cheating? Was these rumours true? I looked it up in the news and it was everywhere. I closed my laptop down and watched some telly to take my mind off things. I text Scooter to see if justin was alright. 

'Justin isn't with me? I'm in Paris sorting out the tour, he's got the day off.' 

What? Tears streamed down my face as I began to realise that, maybe the rumours were true? Maybe... But... What's wrong with me? We've been through so much... He wouldn't. My phone began to ring and it was justin.. Great. 



"Hey baby, you okay?" His raspy voice rang through the phone.

"I don't know Justin, you tell me? Go on. Tell me what's going on?" I began to loose it.

"What are you on about?" 

"The rumours?" All went silent. Justin sighed deeply.

"I'm coming home.." I hung up without even saying bye. Maybe this was true? What am I gonna do? I can't just sit here and forgive him if he has? And... Why did he lie about going to the studio? Justin pulled up outside the house. I opened the door before he could even reach the handle. "Justin! You better fucking explain now before I pack my bags and leave for good! I've seen the pictures and I've read the news. Why?" He looked at me as though I just slapped him in the face. Did I just jump to conclusions? Was I going mad?

"Babe, go sit down. Now." He clenched his jaw as he spoke. I obeyed his orders and sat down. 

"I would NEVER cheat on you ever. So don't even think like that. Me and Selena are just friends. Okay " he spat, clearly pissed.

I sighed

"But why would you lie about going to the studio?"

"I was with Ryan and Chaz. I didn't say anything because I thought you would be mad at me."


How could she think I was cheating? Selena was just a mate? Just a mate who needs help with her career? I don't know what Selena is gonna want me to do but, I'm gonna help her. As for Rylie? She thinks I'm cheating. Why would I cheat? She knows I'm not like that right? "I was with Ryan and Chaz. I didn't want to say anything because I thought you would be mad at me." She sighed. I think she feels guilty, for assuming but, if it was the other way around, I guess I would of assumed too. "I'm sorry baby." I turned to her, Liston her chin up with my finger so I could kiss her forehead.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, I would of assumed the same if it was the other way around. I'm just helping her out okay?" She nodded.


"Don't know yet but whatever it is you promise to stay with me right?" She nodded. I decided I wanted to treat her to dinner tonight so I made her run upstairs and get changed. I just wanna make sure everything's okay. I mean, we've both had pretty heptic days so, maybe this is what we need? We haven't actually spen time together recently. So this should go well right?

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