chapter forty nine

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It was weird. Being shot. Everything around you just stops. Your whole life flashes before your eyes. I remember being on stage, just about to sing and my whole body fell numb. I couldn't speak, I couldn't even tell Rylie I loved her. Being in a coma for a week made me think about what's really important. Rylie. She must of been so worried. Often I could feel myself come back to normal, and I'd hear her sweet voice... Asking me to wake up. I tried to respond but nothing would work. And then finally, I woke, and her face was the first thing I saw. Her beautiful face. It wasn't how I remembered. It was thinner, more paler. You could see bags under her eyes. She looked weak, exhausted. I did that. I made her like that. And my parents? I dread to think what they've been through, but they looked even stronger than she did. It was like someone ripped her heart out, beat it a few times with a baseball bat and gave it back. She looked like she hadn't eaten in weeks. Months even. But its only been a week. I can't begin to think about how my fans must feel. They know nothing? All they know is I've been shot. That's it. No one has had communication with the outside world. Zayn was still here, looking after Rylie. At least he stayed right? But what's gonna hurt is seeing her say goodbye to him, while he goes on tour to somewhere else. She's gonna break. I woke up the next morning. Rylie still laying next to me. She looked better than yesterday when I woke. She had colour in her cheeks. The bags under her eyes were gone. Everyone was sitting around the room, waiting to talk to me. "Oh Justin" I heard my mum breathe out as she walked towards me to kiss my cheek. "Hey mum.." I responded with a smile. "Your dad couldn't get over but he knows your okay" I nodded. Everyone left, apart from Rylie and Zayn. "Oh so your finally awake huh?" He said slighly. Woah why is he being an asshole? "yeh I suppose...." I shrugged. "Listen Justin, me and Rylie were just getting close, and then you woke up..." Is he for real? "What so... You think you and Rylie had something? Oh please.." I scoffed. "Who was there for her? Huh Justin? ME THAT'S WHO!" He shouted waking up Rylie. "I WAS SHOT YOU FUCKING DICK!" I shouted back. 


I was having a nice sleep until Zayn woke me up with his fucking shouting. Arg. "I WAS SHOT YOU FUCKING DICK!" I heard Justin shout. I instantly opened my eyes and sat up. "Sorry baby I didn't mean to wake you.." Justin said running his fingers through his hair. "Your not seriously going for that dick are you?" I shot my head in Zayn's direction. "Are you fucking serious Zayn? He's been in hospital for over a week and you think its okay to call him that? Some friend you are..." I scoffed. Justin looked at me in surprise. I never usually get angry, Justin's never seen my angry side so, this might scare him. "He's a dick Rylie! He never treats you right!" He shouted back. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? YEH WE ARGUE AND YEH WE FIGHT BUT GUESS WHAT? I LOVE HIM TO FUCKING PIECES... SEE THIS RING? I'M ENGAGED TO HIM OKAY?" I screamed in his face. "WHO WAS THERE FOR YOU? WHO? ME! YEH ME! NOT HIM!" Is he fucking serious right now? "JUSTIN WAS SHOT! I CAN'T BELIEVE I EVEN CALLED YOU MY FRIEND GET OUT!" I screamed back, pushing him towards the door. "GET OFF ME!" He shouted, grabbing my arms. He slammed me against the door causing me to whine in pain. "ZAYN GET OFF!" I shouted. Justin rushed over. "DUDE GET THE FUCK OFF HER" He shouted. He pulled Zayn off before connecting his fist to Zayn's face. "GET OUT" He spat. Okay I've seen him angry but not this angry. "Are you okay baby? Did he hurt you?" He rushed over cupping my face. "Yeh, are you?" His personality just completely changed. One minuet he was angry, next he was all lovey dovey. He nodded. Harry came running in, soon followed by Niall. "everything okay" Harry panted. "Just get him out.." I sighed watching Harry pull my so called 'Friend' Out the hospital room/ "Not the best start to today is it?" Justin chuckled. See even after he's been in hospital for over a week he still cracks jokes. "Shall we go?" I asked. "Yeh, Ill just get my things." He grabbed his stuff and we headed out the hospital. Before we left I tweeted @Y/T/N: Justin's okay, he's out of hospital and ready for action...

Loads of replies came through. 'Oh my god he's okay' 'Thank you so much'

We walked through the papz to get to my car. "What happened in there?" "Justin are you okay?" Was some of the questions that they were throwing at us. "Hey Rylie?" Justin asked as we started to drive off. "Justin?" I copied. "Can we just go home and watch movies? I don't wanna do anything till tomorrow?" He whined. I chuckled lightly. "Sure anything for my knight in.... Urm... Baggy clothes.." I winked looking at his clothes. He chuckled along. 

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