Chapter One Hundred and Two

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I know I'm gonna die. There's nothing I can do. No one to donate, no one to help. "Babe.." Justin mumbled, lifting his head off my lap. Jacob was currently sleeping. "Yeh?" I asked, running my fingers through his hair. "I found someone who will donate."Did he just say what I thought he said? "what?" I chocked in disbelief. "Its Zayn.." He looked down, in some what guilt. "Go get him.." I whispered, knowing I had to speak to him. Justin nodded slowly before walking out. Zayn walked in briefly after, holding onto something in his hands. "Why..." I whispered as he took a seat. "Its the least I can do... You keep me sane everyday Rylie, if you weren't here to do that? I don't know what I'd do.." He sniffed, shaking his head. "Really? So, your giving me your blood? Zayn do you know how stupid that is?" I hissed. He shouldn't be doing this. He doesn't have to. "I don't want you to die, and nor does Justin.." He chocked, tears falling from his eyes. Just as I was about to say something the nurse walked in. "We're putting you both to sleep now.." She mumbled, pulling a mask over my face. "See you on the other side.." Zayn kissed my forehead before leaving. I felt my eyes slip into darkness.


"Babe, babe.." I fluttered my eyes open to see Zayn standing there. "Zayn what's going on where's Justin?" He chuckled lightly, shaking his head. "You keep dreaming about the same guy, who is he?" Is he being serious? "Justin... He's my husband? We've been married for almost a year? We have a kid together?" I said in a dumb tone. He shook his head once more. "You've been married to me for almost 11 years now.. Stop bringing up Justin! Whoever he is!" Tears were falling down my face. Where's Justin? I want Justin. I stood up and walked over to the computer. Trying Justin Bieber on the internet. Only his old YouTube videos came up. He still hasn't been found? He has a Facebook account, and twitter? I scrolled through his FaceBook to see he was married to Caitlin? This can't be happening right? I searched my name into google. 'Worlds best singer Rylie marry's Zayn?' What? So... This is all true? "What happened?" I whispered, turning away from the computer. "this is the life you were meant to live.." Zayn whispered.

*End of dream*


"Baby wake up.." I whispered, shaking Rylie from side to side. Her eyes shot open and her breathing became quick. "Babe calm down!" I mumbled, pulling her into my chest. "Justin? Justin is that you?" She whispered, tears falling from her eyes. "Of course its me, what's going on?" I chuckled, stroking her hair. "I-I had a dream and... You weren't found, you weren't even famous and I? I was married to Z-Zayn and you didn't know who I was..." She chocked, grabbing onto my shirt tightly. "Babe its okay...I'm here, I'm with you.. This is real.." I whispered, causing her to calm down. "It was horrible.." She shook her head. "Well, your gonna survive.." I mumbled, kissing the top of her head. "I am? What about Zayn?" Zayn, he's sick. "H-He'll be okay." I smiled weakly, knowing very soon he could die too. See they were only meant to take a small amount of blood from Zayn, but they kept taking and taking... This isn't fair. 

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