chapter thirty

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Wow... Last night was... Different. I found it kinda awkward when we woke up this morning. Like, none of us knew what to say. Wasn't until breakfast that we actually spoke. "So, last night.." Justin smirked at me. "Last night?" I winked back, playing along like nothing happened. "Amazing right?" He wrapped his arms around my waist while I was attempting to cook pancakes. "Well, from my point of view, yes, I don't know about yours... Was I... Good?" Justin knows how self concious I get. I honestly didn't have a clue what to do last night, I kinda went along with it ya know? "You were amazing, even for a first timer.." He winked. I punched his arm playfully before returning to my cooking. "babe..?" I turned to look at Justin, who had the most confused look ever. "yes?" 

"What are you doing?" I only just realised what he was on about. My pancakes. They turned to mush in the pan. "Oh for fuck sake! I can never do anything right!" I picked up the pan and chucked the mush into the bin, before shoving the pan in the wash and storming out the kitchen. "hey its okay, you just need some practice that's all.." He moved a strand of hair out my face. I sighed. "But how am I meant to be a good girlfriend, or wife, or even mother if I can't fucking cook!" But, what kind of mum does that make me if I can't do anything? We can't live off take outs or anything? Justin can hardly cook, and nor can you. "Babe, we'll practice some other time okay?" I nodded. He kissed my forehead before heading to go get changed. I chucked on a bieber shirt, and some denim shorts and a pair of vans. "Looking sexy..." I turned to see Justin staring at me. "You think so?" I giggled. "Of course.." We were just about to kiss when Fredo appeared. "Oh Justin! Oh I'm coming! Oh!" He shouted through the corridor. "FREDOOO!!" I heard Justin shout! "Hey dude it ain't my fault your girlfriends loud.." He smirked. My face grew red. I can't believe him! What an asshole. "Oh Rylie? Scooter wants you at the studio.. Now.." What the hell for? Justin drove me down and we made our way to the studio. 


Well, last night was amazing I must admit. I wasn't expecting it to be so good, I mean I was but, I thought ya know because its her first time. She seemed really shy in the morning, hardly spoke to me. And then she got all frustrated because she couldn't cook, bless her. I never knew someone could be so cute. And then Fredo started teasing us about last night. I didn't realise we were that loud! Anyway Scooter wanted Rylie down at the studio. We walked in and there was fuck loads of people in there. People like One Direction, Conor Maynard, Miley Cyrus, and Taylor Swift. "Aye dude what's goin on?" 

"Rylie needs to sing songs with these guys including you..." Woah, and I thought this was just gonna be one thing. But I have to sing with her? We got on it straight away. I was gonna sing 'Beautiful' with Carly Rae Jepson but Scooter decided to make me sing it with Rylie. I was nervous don't get me wrong, I mean who wouldn't be? Rylie sang like an angel, everytime she looked into my direction all my worries went away. She was so brilliant, so beautiful. How did I ever get so lucky? We finally finished the song. "That was amazing, you guys are amazing together..." Miley pointed out, sending Rylie a wink. Was she right?

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