Chapter Ninety One

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What did I do? Why was she so angry? "Wow, her hormones are really kicking in." Caitlin joked. I still don't get it. She hasn't snapped in months though. "I don't get it..." I sighed and sat on the sofa. "She'll come round..." Caitlin sat beside me. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. I can't do this. I can't loose her now can I? What if she leaves or something? "You know what I don't get. Is how she treats you like shit..." Caitlin said, shaking her head. But, Rylie doesn't treat me like shit? She treats me like I'm royalty. Yeh we have our arguments but, she still treats me well right? "It's just her hormones." Yeh keeps telling yourself that. It's just her hormones right? Nothing else? Just a blip? That's all it ever is right? "Justin, why her?" What? What did she mean? "What?" I asked, sitting back. "Why her? You deserve so much better..." Just on cue Jazzy walks in. "BIEBER! I hate you!" She shouted before walking out. Great, my own sister hates me. Who next? Maybe I did take it too far shoutin at Jazzy? I mean she's her own person right? She can do whatever she wants? I didn't mean to flip at Rylie, or call her a slut. Or tell her to fuck off. "Justin..." Caitlin was just about to say something when Fredo burst through the door. "JUSTIN GET YOUR ASS UPSTAIRS NOW!" He shouted pulling me off the sofa. I opened the living room door to see everyone standing there. "You all heard?" I whispered looking at the disappointed faces. "Justin, don't fuck this up..." My dad said, pushing me upstairs. Here goes nothing.


I made my way upstairs. Slamming the door after me. He just called me a slut? Was I really that bad? I mean, I've only been with Justin. Tears were streaming down my face. I need to get away for a few days. Chaz can come to a hotel with me. I mean, Chaz is like a brother to me right? I pulled out a suitcase, packing a few things for the night. Me and Justin need to cool off. This is our first huge argument side we've got married. "What you doin?" I looked at the door to see Jazzy standing there, tears filling her eyes. I motioned her to sit infront of me on my lap on the floor. "Me and Justin just need to cool off okay.. I'm gonna get a hotel for the night." I heard her sniffling, which made me cry even more. "I-I wanna come with you.." She chocked, standing up. "That's not up to me baby you know that.." I sighed, knowing she'll have to come anyway. "Ill ask daddy, I promise ill come!" She ran downstairs and walked into what I suppose is the living room. "BIEBER! I hate you!" I heard her shout. No, she can't hate him because of me? "Want some help?" I looked up to see Chaz standing there. "I'm fine, get some stuff for the night? You me and Jazzy are gonna get a hotel.." He nodded walking out. I walked into the barroom, picking up my toothbrush and make-up. "What are you doing?" Justin was stood by the door. His voice cracking abit. "We need to cool off, so I'm going to a hotel with Chaz and Jazzy for the night.." I hurried chucking everything in my bag before zipping it up. "Please don't..." He whispered, tears filling his eyes. Don't look. I turned away walking downstairs, Chaz and Jazzy stood there with there bags while everyone has simpathetic faces. "Ill be back tomorrow, it's for the best.." I whispered, walking towards chaz's car. 

'Fall' (Justin Bieber love story)*completed*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant