chapter twenty

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I think I'm falling for Rylie again. Ever since she's come back I haven't stop thinking about her. Sounds cute right? Only fucking problem is Selena's found out about Rylie hanging out with me again and now? Now Selena wants me back and me being stupid... I said yes. I know I shouldn't of but, Rylie seems okay with it as far as I know. We hang out all the time, just me her and Fredo because she doesn't get along with Selena so its kinda hard at times. Anyway today she's making the effort to hang with me and Selena, I want them to get along because, well, she's my friend and Selena is my girlfriend. I can't help but think I'm making a huge mistake. As soon as I got back with Selena, Chaz told me it was the worst idea ever and that it will break Rylie. But I don't see her broken. I see her having fun and enjoying herself, although that's only when I'm around. Its been so long that maybe I don't notice it anymore? When she's faking a smile? Sometimes I do notice, I notice a little pain inside her eyes, but that's only when she's on twitter. I mean the things people say are horrible... But usually when I look, there isn't anything bad, only good. I don't get it. I really don't. "Justin! Selena and Rylie are here!" I heard mum shout from the other room. "Okay..." This is gonna be fun. "Hey guys." I went to hug Rylie but Selena got there first. "Oh hey baby." I looked over at Rylie whilst hugging Selena. Yep, she was in pain, I could tell. I walked over and lifted her chin. "Hey, smile okay?" She just nodded. She wouldn't even hug me.

She was quiet the whole day. Literally, she didn't even laugh once. Maybe it was because I didn't talk to her? I mean I was busy with Selena. "Baby, I'm gonna go, I have an early start tomorrow." I walked Selena to the door and said bye, then returned to sort Ryloe out. "What's wrong?" She just sat there. "Rylie.. Don't do this.." 

"Do what Justin? You couldn't care less what I did. Your to loved up with the bitch who doesn't give two shits about you. The girl who goes out with you when something new happens to you, then drop you when you do something she doesn't like. Yes I've fucking noticed. Thing is... Actually don't worry." Tears formed in her eyes as she stood up and made her way by the door. "Don't go please.." She sighed. "Justin, the only reason she was all lovey dovey today, was to make me jealous. I'm not doing this anymore, your breaking me apart. I'm sorry..." 


"Rylie wait... The only reason I got back with Selena was because I thought she was the only one who cared about me.. I thought you didn't like me... That you don't wanna have what we had. I miss you Rylie, I miss the old you, I miss your smile, that little laugh you gave when I said something stupid or sexual, I miss the way you made sure I smile everyday, I miss the way to argue with me about your make-up in the morning, I miss you, all of you." His voice started to break. Justin being with Selena had broke me in 2 for the third time. If it was up to me, on the day he sang Nothing Like Us, I would of taken him back, there and then but I didn't. I didn't wanna upset anyone. So I kept it to myself. "Justin, where is this all coming from?" He didn't say anything. He cupped my face with his hands and kissed me. "Justin we can't, Selena will.." He cut me off. "I don't care, I love you. I always have. I haven't stopped thinking about you since the day you left." What was going on? I thought he moved on? "Justin, you were my first love, ever since I left, I've been a wreck, yeh on the outside I seem happy, and enjoying myself, only you Fredo and Chaz can see the pain inside. You were the only one who understood me. And I threw all of it away, because I was scared. Scared of not being good enough, of being hurt. Justin, we floated away from eachother and we didn't even know. If we're gonna do this, we have to make sure we mean everything okay?" He just nodded. I'm not gonna lie, I'm glad we're having this conversation, even if it makes no sense. I just hope things will work out... 


authors note:Thank you for reading this! Don't worry more chapters will be updated just at the weekend when I can x

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