chapter twenty five

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How could I be so selfish? Rylie won't even talk to me. To be fair I don't blame her. I've broken her. And what's gonna break her even more, is when I tell her about the sex. Chaz walked in the hotel, clearly getting Rylie's stuff an his. "Chaz... I need you to tell Rylie something..." He huffed before looking up from his half empty suitcase. "What?" He spat. I prepared myself for a punch. "Tell her.. Me and Selena... Ya know. Because, well, we did." He stopped what he was doing, and looked in my direction. "You fucking stupid? JUSTIN WHAT THE FUCK! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN! I'm done." Be grabbed his and Rylie's suitcases before heading for the door. "Ill tell her, but tonight... It won't end pretty." And with that he left. What does he mean? It won't end pretty? I'm not expecting it to. Out of all the things I've done to this poor girl, this has to be the worst. When she finds out she's gonna be crushed. I decided to go on twitter and notice a few fans, make me feel better. Scrolling through my mentions most of them were questions about Rylie. And Selena. Most said. 'How could you do that?' I didn't even reply, I didn't even tweet. I couldn't. I've broken the one thing that I truly love and now? Now my fans hate me. Fuck sale Justin. "Show. Now." I heard Scooter sternly say behind me. I got my bag and coat and made my way to the arena. Battling through papz who all said the same thing. The same question going through my head. How could you do that? How could I do that? I've hurt her. Made her more insecure than before. I ran my drinkers through my hair in frustration. I greeted one direction and made my way to my dressing room. I didn't wanna be there. I don't wanna be here. 


What an asshole! He got Chaz to tell me he had fucking sex with that stupid slut? As soon as he told me I stormed into the bathroom, and locked the door behind me. I couldn't do it anymore. After about an hour of crying, I tidyed myself up and made my way to the arena. I caught a glimps of Justin, talking to one direction, before he stormed off to his dressing room. I walked over to the boys, who at first, have polite smiles. I looked at each of them. Then I turned back to zayn, who looked worried. So did Niall. Can they see right through me or something? "Everything okay?" I asked them. Zayn signalled Harry Liam and Louis to go somewhere else while we sat down. I turned to zayn who seemed to want to say something. "We know your in pain, we can see it. In your eyes. Everything okay?" For the first time ever, I felt comfortable talking to strangers. I mean, they saw right through me and... "No, Justin... Got drunk and... Cheated on me with Selena." I lost all control of my emotions, years were flowing down my cheeks, ones I couldn't stop. "Hey it's okay, look, he's pretty crushed too. We could also see that to. We know he regrets it. If you tell him how you feel, and that you need space, he'll give you it. But it won't stop him from trying... He will fight for you." I looked up at both of them. "Your like... Amazing at this stuff." We all let out a chuckle. "C'mon lets get you cleaned up.." Zayn pulled me up from my seat before taking me to get cleaned up. He wiped my tears, redone my makeup and even sorted my hair out. "Wow zayn, you've got talent.." He chuckled. "And he can sing." Nial winked. "Thank you guys.." I pulled them in for a hug. "We'll here's our numbers, just in case you need help okay?" I nodded. "You guys are on in 10, you better get ready.." They nodded and made their way out. Wow. I've never met 2 caring people like that in my life. After they finished I made my way to the stage. "Ur hey guys, before I start I just wanna say something, to someone. But, they probably don't wanna hear but anyway," I looked over and saw Justin standing there... "I'm sorry... Anyway.. Lets go guys!!" They crowd roared. Clapping as I walked off. "RYLIE! RYLIE!" I turned on my heals. "Yes Justin?" He sighed. "Look, turned out nothing happened between me and Selena, she was makin it all up, Fredo said he was in my room before he left to find you and aparently, she left the room and collapsed in chaz's room before I could even do anything. Look I'm sorry." What? She made the whole thing up? Just wait until I next see her. "Justin I'm sorry too... But... I'm gonna need a day or 2 to myself, or without you.. I need to think things through..." He nodded. I kissed his cheek and watched him as he danced onto the stage. Why me?

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