chapter thirty one

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Once I finished in the studio, which took forever, I finally got the afternoon to relax before taking the stage. I didn't do a lot to be fair, just sat and watched Jeremy Kyle with Fredo. Justin was at his Meet and Greets. I made sure he was actually on time today. It was so awkward with Fredo, its never been this awkward, maybe because he heard us last night? Anyway, Scooter popped in a few times just to let us know what was happening tonight. Apparently, Lil Twist is coming to watch, oo yay! That's all we need, a fucking asshole. He's always been jealous of me and Justin, literally. Everytime we have him round, he's always stopping us from doing things. Its pathetic. He's such an asshole towards Justin, he doesn't respect his house or anything. He's constantly pressuring Justin into smoking weed and drinking. Urk, thing is Justin won't say anything, and he won't let me say anything either. I was first on stage today, partly because I was tired but also because we were moving onto Germany. Yeh, I had to go and pack as soon as Justin was on. But I said I wanted to go first so I can hang with Justin. I jumped off stage, after seeing Twist wink at me a few times, and ran straight to Justin's room. "Hey beautiful..." I heard Justin's soft voice, always seems to calm me down. "Hey handsome.." I winked. The fact that I've never called him that. Ever. "wasson?" He asked, his voice still as soft as before. "Well, I've come to hang out with you for a bit before heading back to pack, shall I pack your shit aswell your highness?" Its funny when I call him that. " Sure slave.." He winked. "I gotta go, I love you" I sang. He chuckled, pecked my lips and headed for the stage. "I'm off guys! Gotta pack mine and the lordships shit..! See ya ina bit!" I walked out, cameras flashing in all directions. Fuck sake, I need some sunglasses or something. Once I finally got back to the hotel, I grabbed both suitcases and started to pack. Justin prefers it when I pack, because I'm more organised and tidy, where as he just chucks it in. I stuck some music on whilst packing. I didn't realise someone came into the room, until it was too late.


Its been so awkward between me and Fredo, I don't even know why. Maybe because he heard me and Rylie? I dunno. Rylie made sure I was on time for M&G's today. Usually I'm late because my own fans attack me. Its not because I'm scared, I'm just doing it for their safety. I wasn't really expecting Rylie to come into my room so early. I thought she was on just before me? Anyway she only came in to ask if I wanted her to pack my stuff. And of course I said yes, I mean, she packs better than me and I'm gonna be tired after this. I got on stage and searched for Twist, I knew he was coming anyway. I couldn't see him at all. Maybe he had to go? I dunno. Once I finished we all made our way back to the hotel, at first it all looked fine. I called for Yn a few times, she didn't answer so I thought she was in the shower. Then I realised the shower wasn't running. I went to walk into our actual hotel room and the door was wide open. Strange, usually Rylie closes it whether she's inside or not. I searched around the room, hardly anything was packed. Most things were scattered around the room, like someone had kicked off. I checked the bedroom, she wasn't there. "Justin!" I heard Fredo shout. I ran straight away, hoping to find Rylie but no. "What?" He held in his hand a note. 



If you want Rylie, come find her. There's a price that has to be paid. 1 million dollars cash, or she dies. 


I felt a rush of anger and panic run through my body. Who fucking does shit like this?

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