chapter fourteen

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I'm finally going to Barcelona. I'm excited don't get me wrong but, I'm also scared I mean, what if Justin's haters are there and they ruin everything? What if me and Justin go out without Kenny and something happens? So many things running through my mind. These past few weeks have been so stressful. I'm just so glad to get away. Chaz has been so supportive lately, he's constantly making sure I'm okay, that nothings gone wrong. I know what your thinking, he likes me right? Well, I think he does but, I wouldn't date him I mean C'mon, he's Justin's best mate right? Yeh when me and Justin fell out and shit I was hanging around with Chaz alot more but... That doesn't mean anything right? We always watched films, walked along the beach, ya know what friends do? Right? What if I've given Chaz the wrong signals? And what about Ryan? he seems to be acting strange around me lately. He usually acts cool, like he don't give a shit but now? Now he's constantly trying to make me laugh and everything! Something funny is going on and I wanna know what. "BABY! WE GOTTA GO!" I grabbed my stuff and ran downstairs, trying not to fall over, to reach Justin. He gave me a huge hug before making sure I was ready. "You ready?" I nodded, picking up my bags as I did. "no, Ill get these" Chaz picked up my suitcase and Ryan picked up the extra bags.  I gave Justin a concerned look. He just chuckled. We headed for the airport and finally got on the plane, after fighting through all the fans and press. "Justin, why are Ryan and Chaz acting weird lately?" I wrapped my arms around his neck, while he pulled my legs over him."There just looking out for you that's all." He kissed my forehead. I slowly drifted to sleep.


Finally, we're going on holiday. "Yo bro, what you gonna do for her birthday?" Ryan practically shouted across the plane. "Dude keep it down, she's asleep." He let out a little chuckle. "Anyway, I'm thinking of taking her to the beach with a picnic, then when we get back, throw a huge party, and do drinking games?" Rylie's never has a proper birthday before so, I wanna make this one worth while. I've already turned 16 this year, before she came back to us? And she missed the whole thing. I kinda feel bad. She was meant to be there. But at least she's here. "Dude, that sounds great." This is gonna be the best birthday she's ever had. Well, best birthday yet, just wait till her 18th. It seemed like everything was falling into place. I got the girl of my dreams, friends and family, the tour coming up, which I'm gonna ask Rylie to come to... Ill ask her when we're on the beach, and the most amazing fans ever. The only thing I'm worried about right now? Is those haters, the one Scooter said about? That want to kill me? Yeh that's the only thing I'm worried about but, I have Kenny here. 


"Baby, you gotta get up, we're here." I heard Justin whispering in my ear. "Sorry" I gave a little smile before pulling myself up. "no need to be sorry princess." He chuckled. Wow, Justin is finally coming back to how he use to be. We got of the plan to find fuck loads of fans crowding the airport. How the fuck... Oh yeh, their like the F.B.I. We took a taxi to our hotel to drop off our stuff. "Wow Justin this is AMAZING!" I dropped my bags as soon as I saw our room. "You like?" He smirked. "Like? I fucking LOVE!" This is gonna be the best holiday ever

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