chapter fifty five

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"Babe we're here..." I heard Justin whisper in my ear. I fluttered my eyes open to see we were on a private island. "Justin you didn't...." I gasped. He shook his head. "Wedding present from Twist..." Huh? "Twist?" I was so confused. Why Twist? After everything he did? I'm surprised Justin still talks to him. "Yeh? C'mon..." He pulled my hand and lead me to the cabin. It was huge! There were 2 bedrooms, a huge kitchen full of food! A huge bathroom with a bath! Omg! "Justin this is amazing!" I screeched. He put our bags down and followed me round the house. "Glad you like it mrs Bieber..." He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. "I could get use to that..." I moaned as he sucked on my neck. *dirty bit;)* 


"Woah..." I panted. 

"Babe,..." Justin whispered. "Yeh?" I turned to see him smirking. "We broke the bed..." He winked. I blushed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry..." I mumbled. "It's okay..." He cupped my face planting a kiss on my nose. "Lets go swimming?" What is he crazy? "Babe the water will be cold?" He gave me a cheeky grin. "Just get ready..." He growled running outside. I've never seen this side of Justin before. But I like it so... It's new. I raced to the bathroom grabbing my suitcase. What the fuck had these girls put in here? I pulled out a fluorescent bikini and chucked on. I brushed my teeth and shaved my legs, again. Okay. I'm ready. I jogged outside to see Justin already in the water. What a prune...


I turned to see Rylie standing there in a fluorescent bikini. Something Miley put in in guessing? She waddled over and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Not so bad aye?" I cockly said. "I like this side of you." She blurted out. "What side?" I never noticed I changed? "Your sexy side..." She mumbled. Awh bless her. "What this side?" I smirked and picked her up, making her wrap her legs around my waist. "Well mrs Bieber, get use to it..." I growled knowing it turns her on. She giggled lightly before jumping off. "What the...?" Before I could finish she splashed water over me. Before giggling histerically. "Think it's funny huh?" I smirked. I picked her up above my head. "Justin don't!" She screeched. Too late. I chucked her in the water. "Oh that's it..." She swam towards me pretty fast for a girl. I ran out the water back into our cabin. Next thing I know I'm on the floor. "Not so fast Bieber..." She sang. 

'Fall' (Justin Bieber love story)*completed*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt