chapter 12

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I cant believe selena would go this low. saying i kissed Chaz? What fucking stupid mind game was she playing now? I arrived at this huge house, about the size of our house. As I was walking up the pathway Selena already made her way outside, obviously she was expecting me. I tried to stay as calm as I could, making sure I didn't make a scene. "Oh, how's Chaz?" She smirked. Arg why does she do this?

" why lie?" She started to laugh, and then she let out a huge sigh. "It was obviously you who made justin end it right?" She started to walk towards me. I backed up moving my way towards the wall of the house. "Actually, I didn't say jack. It was scooter who made him." I spat. Why does she think everyone loves her? "Well, now he thinks you kissed Chaz. Awh poor Rylie, you and justy wusty won't last very long now will you?" It was obvious she was enjoying this. It's a shame really, once I get this voice recorder back to Justin, she won't stand a chance. "Excuse me? How do you know?" She chuckled. "We'll it's obvious you kissed him. You guys were all over each other."

"Oh yeh? It's called friendship. He's like a brother to me, he was making sure I was happy because YOU came along and made everything worse!" Shit. I can't loose my temper, she'll know how to wind me up. She just laughed, shaking her head as as did. "You don't get it do you?" She pushed me against the walk hard making me cry out in pain. "JUSTIN is mine, he will always be MINE. Got it?" She spat in my face whilst kneeing my stomach. "Looks like pretty boy isn't here to save the day right?" She smirked. Grabbing both of my wrists she pulled me back and slammed me against the wall again. I tried to get out of her grip but, I was too weak. I couldn't fight back. To be honest, I wouldn't care if she killed me here and now. At least I was fighting over someone I loved. Justin. "Justin doesn't love you, he never did" I chocked out. She pulled out a knife and held it to my neck. "Say that again bitch." She spat.


I had no idea what was going on. Rylie's been gone for a good hour now and I'm kinda worried. I know I know, why ain't I looking for her? I don't know. I can't. I got a phone call from Selena saying she caught Rylie and Chaz kissing. And now? I don't know what to believe. After Rylie stormed out I walked downstairs and slummed infront of the telly. Right now I couldn't care less if Rylie was in a pissy. She kissed Chaz right? After about half an hour Ryan ran in, like he was panicking. "Dude! Rylie won't answer her phone! She went selenas and..." I grabbed my keys and headed for selenas. I didn't even finish listening to what Ryan was saying. How could I be so careless? She could be in danger? I pulled up near Selenas house about a few blocks away, so she didn't see me coming. I dodged through the papz and fans, finally making my way to selenas. I looked through the gate to see if I could find Rylie. That's when I saw it. The real side of Selena. "Rylie?" I shouted, so Selena knew I was there, that should make her stop. "Justin! She.. I... It was her!" Selena pointed at Rylie, who was covered in bruises. "Selena cut the fucking crap. Get the fuck over yourself. Things like this! Isn't gonna get me back. Rylie is the love of my life and someday? She's gonna be my wife alright?" She backed away and went back in her house. Fucking bitch. I grabbed Rylie who slid down to her knees. "Come on baby, lets go home okay? I'm so so sorry." She looked up, smiling. "I love you" she chocked out. I chucked "I love you too."

'Fall' (Justin Bieber love story)*completed*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora