Chapter Sixty Two

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This is it. This is the moment we tell scooter. Personally, I don't think he will like it. I mean it means Justin has to put his career on the line for months while in pregnant. He might have to cancel some of the tour dates and everything. "You nervous?" Justin whispered as we walked downstairs. "Yeah, so nervous you?" He chilled lightly and grabbed my hand. "I'm bricking it(another way of saying shit scared in English)" we both chuckled and walked in. No one else is gonna know until we tell scooter. "Scooter? Can we talk to you in private?" He looked up and nodded. Everyone left the room. "What's up guys?" Justin took a deep breath. "Your not gonna like this okay?" Scooter looked at Justin, then at me. "What?" His voice sounded concerned with a hint of anger. "Rylie's pregnant..." Justin choked out. "What? Justin do you know what this could do to your career? Are you fucking stupid? With her?" He screeched. Ouch scooter. That hurt. I couldn't take it. I stood up and aimed for the door. "Yeh run away like you always do.." He hissed. "Leave her alone! You've hardly let us explain!" Justin bit back, pulling me closer to him. "You shouldn't have to Justin! This will affect your career and everything!" And with that he stormed out. Prick. At he end of the day it's Justin's life. Not his? "I'm sorry..." Justin mumbled sitting back on the sofa. "It's okay..." Everyone walked in slowly. "What's going on guys?" Of course, we haven't told then yet but Justin blurted it out anyway. "Rylie's pregnant and scooter doesn't like it..." Everyone looked at me shocked "that's amazing!" Fredo screeched. Everyone congratulated us. Why can't scooter do that? "Don't worry about Scott, he just worried that's all..." I scoffed. "Worried? He practically said he doesn't like me..." Fredo shook his head. "He'll come round, I promise..." I shrugged. To be honest I'm really hungry. I walked into the kitchen and fetched some food before walking back in and sitting next to Justin. "Hungry dear?" He chuckled. "I have to eat for two ya know?" Everyone laughed. "What do you want it to be?" Chaz asked. "Dunno, a boy..." I said looking down at my belly. "My little sis is growing up..." He budged me. "Hey!" Justin snapped. "Justin it's okay, he didn't hurt me chill..." I kissed his cheek. "I don't want anyone hurting my baby,..." I just, can't stop thinking about what Scooter said. 'With her' I mean, does it really matter who Justin marries? Has kids with? I don't get what his problem is. 

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