Chapter Eighty Six

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After we finally arrived back home I made Rylie some tea before chucking on some random movie. "Babe, just sit down..." I sighed, looking at Rylie, who was walking around cleaning. "If I don't get this done Justin it won't ever be done!" She snapped. Why does she have to be like this? "Baby, Ill do it when you fall asleep okay?When you wake up it will be done, I promise." I sighed again, hoping she'll listen. "Oh yeh, I've heard that before.." She scoffed, picking up some tea towel that was on the floor. "You know I'd do it.." I said softly. She isn't gonna listen, she never does. "Justin you never do anything around the house! What makes you think you'll do it now huh?" She spat. But she's right. I don't do anything around the house. "Because I know what you go through everyday! Please just let me do it and sit down!" I said raising my voice in hope she'll listen. "Yeh whatever, I'm going to bed.." She mumbled walking off. What was that about? I sighed, running my hands through my hair in frustration. I need to get out. Like soon. I finished cleaning up, making sure everything was perfect for when she came down before grabbing my jacket and walking out. I just need to walk for a while. Is that such a bad thing huh? Can't a man have a break? Yeh sure these next 3 months are gonna be even hearder but, she doesn't have to go all bitchy at me just because I didn't help. Well sorry for wanting a nice relaxing evening with my wife! I don't get it! Women get mad when you don't do something, and they get angry when you do. I pulled myself together and made my way back home. I just hope she's in a better mood when I get back. 


Why can't Justin just help once in a while huh? It won't hurt him! I'm six months pregnant and I practically do everything myself. I cook, clean, make everything perfect for when Justin gets home. I don't get any help, any 'Thank you's. After our little 'Argument' I made my way upstairs. I'm in no mood to argue with him. I layed on the bed, thinking about everything that's happened. Why was he like that? I didn't do anything? *BANG* Great. He's left. Why does he do that everytime? I sighed deeply before making my way downstairs, to finish the cleaning. To my surprise everything was done. The house was hovered and polished. What? So why did Justin leave? I sighed and sat myself on the sofa, rubbing the small bump poking out. "Hey baby, daddy will be home soon, I promise.." I whispered, tracing circles along the bump. "Your just a small bump unborn 4 months then brought to life..." I sang softly.

After a while I looked up at the time. 2:00AM. What? Why isn't Justin home? I swear to god if he comes home drunk! *kick.* "Ouch..." I whispered, what the hell was that? "Did you just kick baby?" I looked down, moving my hands around my belly. *Kick.* "Oh my god.." It was almost perfect timing, I didn't even hear someone come in. I looked up to see Justin standing there, his eyes wide in astonishment. "did he kick?" He whispered, moving closer. I nodded slightly, grabbing his hand so he could feel. "Speak to him.." He gave me a weak smile before lifting my top. "Hey buddy, hey little guy, you wanna say hi to daddy?" He cooed rubbing my belly. *kick kick* He gasped slightly. "Did you feel it? Rylie did you feel it!" His eyes were filled with excitement. I couldn't help but smile. "I'm sorry for snapping at you.." I mumbled, still looking in his eyes. "I'm sorry to, look, I'll clean the house everytime it needs cleaning okay? I promise.." he whispered kissing the top of my head before resting his head on my stomach. And that's how we stayed until 5 in the morning. Yeh it may not of been a hyper time as usual, but it was amazing.

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