Chapter One Hundred and Five

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I looked up to see Perrie charging towards us. Who invited her? "YOU FUCKING BITCH" She screamed, lifting her hand to hit me. Justin stood infront of me, stopping her. everyone fell silent. Harry grabbed one arm, while Louis grabbed the other, keeping her away from me. "YOU KILLED ZAYN YOU SELFISH BITCH!" Since when did she care about him anyway? Last time I saw her she flirted with Justin? I pushed past Justin, standing face to face with her. "I didn't kill him, it was his decision..." I sighed, hoping she'll understand. "Yeh right, you bribed him didn't you? DIDN'T YOU! How did you pay him huh? With money? SEX?" She shouted, trying to get out of the boys grip. "I didn't pay him with anything! I didn't even know that he knew... He did it by himself.." I mumbled, rethinking everything. She laughed coldly. "Your nothing but a worthless piece of shit you know that? Justin and baby Zayn deserve better!" She scoffed, spitting at me. "Your right... They do deserve better... But not everyone's perfect right?" I sighed, Everyone around me still quiet. "You know what Rylie? I hope your happy with what you did.. I really do.." She spat, moving away. "I don't see why you care anyway love.. You're the one who was cheating on him in the first place!" I shouted, finally finding my voice. She turned around and gave me a dirty look. 


"What did you say?" Perrie shouted, before lunging at Rylie. Everyone gasped as Harry pulled Perrie off her. Rylie had a bust lip, while Perrie was covered in bruises. "You better watch out bitch!" Perrie spat before walking away. Rylie just sat there, staring ahead. "Babe... I think its time we went inside.." I whispered, picking her up. Her eyes still on the same spot. I sat her down on the sofa, stroking the back of her hair. Harry walked in with some water and started fixing her lip. "Its all my fault." She said bluntly. I shook my head. "It wasn't your fault... He made that decision baby..." I mumbled, taking her upstairs. "But it was Justin, you know it.. Everyone does.." She cried, laying on the bed. "Babe... Shhh Its okay... Zayn promised everything will be okay right? So it will...."


I fluttered my eyes open to see Rylie wasn't beside me. Soft baby cries came from the nursery. Rylie? I chucked on some sweats and made my way to the room. She sat there, with Zayn in her arms, singing to him.

"And when he's looking at me, I wanna get all sentimental

He's got something special

He's got something special

I can hardly breathe, something's been telling me, telling me maybe

He could be the one" She sang softly. I smiled widely, sitting beside her. "He likes your voice..." I whispered, rubbing the top of Zayn's head. "You think so? Zayn use to like it too.." She sighed, memories flooding back. 

"Hey, remember that time we were in that field? Just us?" I whispered, remembering the amazing memory.


"Rylie!" I shouted, she just poked me and ran for it. I ran after her, tackling her to the ground. She giggled underneath me. I ran my hand down her side, she leaned in and pushed us over, so she was on top. "I love you.." She whispered, leaning towards me. I wrapped my arms around her waist, while she put her arms around my neck loosely. Our lips brushed slightly, until she kissed harder. Our lips moved in sync before she pulled away. She looked down, blushing. "Hey, don't be nervous okay?" I giggled, moving her hair out of her eyes. She giggled and got off me. "We should go.." She mumbled taking my hand. 


"That was amazing.." She sighed, smiling to herself. "Yeh it was...." She put Zayn back in his cot before grabbing my hand. "Where are we going?" I chuckled quietly. She turned and winked before heading for the door. What is she up to?


After Justin reminded me of our little field trip I decided we'll go back there. We jumped into my car and drove back to the same field. It wasn't that far so, it didn't take long to get there. "Where are we going?" Justin whined for the 7th time since we left. "Not telling you" I winked, he hates surprises, as do I. I pulled up into the car park, earning a huge smile from Justin. "I love you!" He screamed jumping out the car. I chuckled to myself before hopping out. We walked over to the field and layed beside each other. "This is so perfect..." He whispered, holding me close. "I know..." I giggled, looking up at the sky. "You know... Lately we haven't had time to ourselves.." Justin mumbled, clearly stating something. But he's right. We never get any time together any more. He's either busy working, looking after Zayn or hanging with the guys. And me? I'm rather working on my album, looking after Zayn, or sitting around moping all day. "We should do this more often." I mumbled, looking up at the sky. "yep.." Justin said popping the 'P'. "You know... When Zayn's old enough..... He could come on tour with us..."I shrugged, still looking at the clouds passing by. "I know..." He sighed, knowing we'll have forever to wait. Forever wasn't long though.... Was it?

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