Chapter Forty Five

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I woke up the next morning, well a few hours after having a 'chat' with Zayn. I have nothing against the guy but, he always seems to be around Rylie. Like always protecting her. I don't mind it's just that should be my job you know? Anyways I woke up in a proper shit mood. Well today's gonna be fun. I jumped in the shower and got changed before checking my phone. 2 new messages:


Good luck for today sweet, you'll kill it.

Love mum xx


Rehearsals today! Get out of bed now!

I grabbed my jacket and glasses. I can't believe I have to rehears today. It's too early. I walked through the bus, making sure I don't make a sound. Rylie was still asleep with Zayn. Surprise surprise. God Justin why are you being an asshole today? And with that I left the bus and battled through the crowd of papz and fans. "Where's Rylie? Hanging with the boys aye?" One of the papz winked. Arg I can't stand them sometimes. I finally got through to the arena, taking the stage to make sure everything was working. Scooter knew I was in a bad mood so, we took everything slow. Rylie finally decided to show up, after I was there for the whole day! "Hey Justin!" She shouted from the bottom. I fake smiled and carried on. She must of known something was wrong because she walked off in a huff. Great. I ran after her.


I woke up still on Zayns lap. I woke him up and headed straight to rehearsals. I can't believe I was late. Which kinda put me in a bad mood. I walked in and Justin was still on stage. "Hey Justin!" I shouted up to him. He fake smiled and carried on. What? What did I do? I wasn't gonna put up with him today. I walke off towards my dressing room. "Hey Rylie! Babe please?" I heard Justin behind me. "What?" I snapped. "Look I didn't mean to do that okay? Please..." I sighed. "Justin, look I've had a rough night please?" His face went from sad to angry. "Not my fault you slept with Zayn is it?" He spat. "What? I layed on his lap while he listened to me! Yeh he fucking listened to how I was feeling! Unlike you who just headed straight to bed! I would of gone with you but... I guess you just didn't want me there so I stayed with the guys expecting you to come out but you never did!" My voice breaking at the last bit. To be honest, I was gutted Justin didn't come out. "Well I'm sorry babe! I would of spoken to you this morning but you seemed to loved up with Zayn!" I can't believe this is happening right now. "Your such a jerk Justin! Seriously!" I walked into my room slamming my door before breaking down. 

*2 hours later* 

The boys just came off from performing. My turn yay! Justin still wasn't talking to me. I don't blame him. "Justin.." I turned to him before I went on. "What?" He snapped. "I love you.." I whispered before walking on. The crowd was wild like no joke. I jumped off stage to allow Justin to get on. He kissed my cheek before heading up. "Hey what's up guys?!" I heard in the background. *BANG BANG BANG* I shot my head towards the stage. Justin was falling.... NO

'Fall' (Justin Bieber love story)*completed*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang