chapter seventy two

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I fluttered my eyes open to see Justin wasn't by my side like he would usually be. Hmmm. I hobbled out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. "Where's Justin?" I asked Zayn who was just sitting there. "Urm... He's gone to pay for Perries ticket..." He sounded like he was gonna cry personally. "Zayn, you have to get over her, she never respected you..." I popped down a cup of coffee before sitting next to him. "I know..." He breathed out. I don't get why he did this to himself? I mean, everyone has self respect right? But Zayn? He didn't have to do this. He's got millions if fans waiting for him to be happy. "Just rest up yeh?" I patted his back an made my way back to our room. Suppose I better get dressed. I chucked on one of Justin's shirts, slipped on some skinny jeans and chucked my hair up in a messy bun before grabbing some supras. I checked my phone to see if I needed to be anywhere. Just my luck Scooter wants me to rehears. Great! Not. I sighed and walked towards the arena. Scooter was just sat there. Noone else. "You wanted me to practice?" His head shot up towards me. "Yeh... Please?" I nodded and hit the stage. He sat in the front row seat and just closed his eyes. Almost like he was memorising every note. It was weird. I've never seen him do that. Unless he's done it with Justin. Just as I was about to say something after practice Justin ran in. "Hey... What's the rush?" I chuckled. "I wanted to see you..." He blushe slightly. "Awh..." I cooed pinching his cheeks. "Okay, wifey, I'm taking you out tonight...." WHAT? "Huh? Where?" He looked down slightly. "Clubbing?" What? "Sure.." Honestly? I don't wanna go. Just too much goes on. "Great..." He smiled and walked towards scooter. Why clubbing? I'd rather go McDonald's. "Babe, if you don't wanna go, you really don't have to.." Justin trailed off. "No Ill go, see you back at the bus okay?" I smiled, kissing his cheek before walking over to Scooter. "How was that?" I asked, referring to my practice. "You have an amazing voice  Rylie, don't let it go okay?" He got up from his seat and made his way backstage. "Scooter!" I shouted, hurrying after him. "Yes?" He turned around. "Thank you.." I smiled, he returned a smile and walked towards the others. Now, gotta focus on clubbing. 

Okay this one is boring? Because when I originally wrote it? I wrote it on my phone? So yeh... Next chapter has drama;)

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