Chapter Sixty Nine;)

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We arrived and ordered our food. Justin had been acting really strange since we'd got here. "Everything okay?" I grabbed his hand. "Ur... No." He sighed. What did I do something wrong? Has he done something? What if he doesn't wanna be married anymore? "We have to go back on tour... One Direction are one of the opening acts... You're the other one.." He mumbled. ONE DIRECTION? WHAT! What about everything with Zayn? What if he tries it again? Arg! "Urm... Okay, I'm glad I get to go with you I suppose..." I shrugged. That's why he took me out. He felt guilty? "Baby I swear the whole one direction thing wasn't my idea..." I knew it wasn't. It was Scooters idea. His idea of pay back. For the pregnancy. "Babe are you mad?" Justin broke the silence. "No, just worried that's all..." I mean, we will probably be sharing a tour bus with them too! I mean what if Zayn kidnaps me or something? And its been so long since we've spoken anyway. "Shall we go? We leave soon anyway.." SOON? "What like tonight?" He looked down and nodded. "Babe why didn't you tell me sooner?" I'm not mad. Just disappointed you know? "I only got told this morning Rylie..." He mumbled. Yeh this is all Scooters plan. He never liked me. For some unknown reason. We headed back to the car and made our way home. "Suppose we better pack huh?" I chuckled. I ran upstairs and packed nearly everything I needed. I looked around to see Justin still hadn't packed. 'God Justin' I chuckled to myself. I grabbed all the clothes I love him to wear and chucked them in the suitcase. "Babe you didn't have to.." Justin breathed as he walked in. "We were gonna be late otherwise.." I shrugged. "I know you don't wanna go but please? Be happy... At least you don't get to spend months away from me." I guess he's right. I should be happy. I get to spend every minuet of every day with Justin. And Scooter didn't even realise what he's done. "Lets go.. Everyone's waiting.." He patted my shoulder. I grabbed my bags just to have them ripped out my hands again. "Justin..." I chuckled. "What?" He managed to get out. He had my small bags in his mouth, and all the huge ones in his hands as well as his. I shook my head and took the small bags. "I wanted to carry them.." He pouted. Damn I swear he acts like a child sometimes? "Justin, you looked like your teeth were about to be pulled out.." We both laughed and made our way out to the cars. Fredo, Scooter me and Justin in one car, and all the rest in the others. Fredo sat in the front with Justin while I was stuck with Scooter. "So Rylie, what do you think about the new line up?" Scooter said with a sarcastic smile. Ha two can play this game bitch. "Its brilliant, I'm looking forward to seeing the boys again.." I smiled. Justin gave me a confused look through the wind mirror. I winked at him and continued the conversation. "SO your not worried about Zayn?" He asked, as if he was surprised. "Nope, If he tries anything I know Justin will murder him, I don't care.." I shrugged, earning another weird look off of Fredo. "Oh right okay then.." And with that he went silent. Yeh that's what I thought bitch. Takes two to tango. We arrived at the airport and boarded the plane. London here we come!


I honestly did not know what was going on with Rylie. Earlier on she was pissed about going and now? Now she doesn't even care. Its like she completely changed personalities. She took a seat beside me and stuck her earphones in. Something she did when she was annoyed. I pulled one out to find out what's going on. "Hey what was that back there?" She looked up and gave a evil smile. "Well, I figured out it was Scooter who invited the prick just to cause problems, so I acted like I didn't care and now he thinks his plan isn't gonna work.. See you ain't the only smart one.." She nudged me. Actually, that's quiet good. "Ahh I see babe.. Get some rest yeh?" I kissed the top of her head and let her bee. A few hours later we finally arrived in London. "Baby... C'mon.." I whispered, shaking Rylie to wake up. She groaned lightly and fluttered her eyes open. "Hey." She smiled. I helped her off the plane. "How long till we get to the hotel?" She yawned. "About 10-15 minuets babe... One direction are already there.." I said mumbling the last bit. She sighed and headed for the car. I jumped in the back with her while Kenny started to drive. "There's no fans?" She looked up confused. "They think I'm arriving tomorrow." I smirked. We finally arrived at the hotel. I took our stuff to our room. "Group meeting.." Fredo said before making his way to Scooter's room. I grabbed Rylie's hand and we headed into the same room. "Ahh Justin!" Scooter sang. What the fuck is he up to? "This is Perrie Edwards, she's your new dancer.." What? I must admit she was hot but... I didn't need a dancer? I looked at Rylie who started to look like she was building a wall around her. "Urm, that's nice Scooter but I really don't need one.." He chuckled lightly. "This tour will be different.. Now you have rehearsals tomorrow... Night."  I looked around to see Rylie wasn't in site. "Hey Justin!" Niall ran up giving me a brotherly hug. "Aye bro! What's up?" He just shrugged. "Just keeping Zayn away.." He mumbled. "What's that suppose to mean?" I said out of wonder. "Urm... He still... Likes her but, he's with Perrie... OH god don't say nothing!" He rushed off back to his room. Wow.


Justin woke me up about 7 because we had to practice. Not gonna lie, I don't really like the new dancer. She was prettier than me, thinner than me. The way she looked at Justin just.. Made me fall into a pit of over thinking. This was all Scooter's doing. It back fried I suppose. I walked to the arena with Fredo, because Justin was already there. "You know, Scooter is doing this right?" I nodded looking down. "yeh, he hates me for no reason.." I mumbled kicking a stone. "Ya know? Just ignore it okay?" I nodded and walked in. I greeted everyone and sat in the front row of the arena. Justin was up on stage singing. He flashed me a smile which I returned until She came on. Perrie. She walked on wiggling her bum, pushing her boobs out as far as she could. And to be honest, I could tell Justin liked it. Then they started dancing. She kept grinding her hips against his. That's it. I stormed off and walked into a dressing room. I didn't care who's. I slammed the door and sunk against it. "You okay?" I looked up to see the exact person who I didn't want to bump into. Zayn. "Look Zayn, I've had enough for one day so leave your flirting at home yeh?" I snapped before he could even say anything. Tears were forming in my eyes at the picture of Perrie grinding against him. "What's happened?" He sta beside me, rubbing my back. "Your stupid girlfriend that's what!" I spay. He shook his head. "She was grinding against Justin, sticking her bum and boobs out... And the worst part? he enjoyed it!" I said slamming my fists against the wall. "Hey! She's like that... Just ignore it okay? If it gets worse.. Tell me.. I meant what I said.. I'm always here.." I shouldn't even be here. I stood up and wiped my eyes. "Thanks.." I sighed before walking out. "Rylie?" I looked round to see Justin standing there. "Why were you in there?" He snapped. I looked behind him to see Scooter sniggering. That's it. I lost it.


I woke up early and made my way to the arena. About half an hour later Rylie walked in. I flashed her a smile which she returned. Then the music started to play. Perrie walked in, shaking her butt, and pushing her boobs out. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. I focused on the dance moves and when I looked back to look at Rylie, she was gone. "Excuse me.." I said politely. I pushed past and walked down the hall. Just as I did I saw Rylie coming out of Zayn's dressing room, hair a mess, face covered in tears. WHAT? "Rylie?" She just turned in complete shock. "Why were you in there?" I snapped. She didn't even look at me. Her face filled with anger. She stormed past me and headed straight for Scooter. "YOU PLANNED THIS YOU PLANNED THE WHOLE THING! YOU MADE ONE DIRECTION COME HERE AND YOU MADE THAT GIRL COME HERE TOO! JUST TO BREAK THINGS BETWEEN ME AND JUSTIN! DIDN'T YOU?" Woah. I don't think I've ever seen her that angry. I walked up to her and grabbed her arm. "Justin let go." She spat. I did as she said and let go. "Yes I did plan it... I don't like the fact that your with him, your nothing but worthless Rylie. I'm sorry to say it but its true.." WHAT? Before I could react Rylie's fist connected with Scooter's face. "I AMNOT WORTHLESS! WHO WAS THERE WHEN YOU WENT OFF SCOOTER? ME! I DON'T GET WHY YOU HATE ME SO MUCH? IS IT BECAUSE I LOVE HIM FOR WHO HE ACTUALLY IS HUH? WELL I'M SORRY TO BURST YOUR BUBBLE BUT ME AND JUSTIN ARE HAPPY! SO GET YOUR NOSE OUT OF OUR BUSINESS AND GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ARSE FOR ONCE IN YOUR RATCHED LIFE AND START THINKING ABOUT JUSTIN AND WHAT HE WANTS!" Scooter's face turned red. She breathed heavily and turned to Perrie. "And as for you, you can go, Justin doesn't need a dancer.." Perrie just stood there. "I'm not going anywhere.. Not until I'm done.." She turned on her heals and made her way to Zayn's dressing room. What did that mean? Not until I'm done? 

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