Chapter Eighty Seven

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Today, it is officially 7 months of my pregnancy. I know. Only 2 months left. So me and Justin are spending the day shopping and painting as well as having the family round to help us prepare. Yes, the whole crew and Justin's family are staying for 2 months until this baby pops out. Bit much? That's what I keep telling Justin but he keeps reading stories on the internet about women who've had to have some what home births. So he's being a bit of a drama queen right now. We're also arranging who stays with me what days for when Justin goes to work and stuff. Its like I'm a teenager on lock down for being drunk or something. "Babe, you ready?" Justin popped his head round the door. "Yeh..." I shrugged pulling my oversized top over my oversized stomach. I swear I'm gonna explode if I get any bigger. "You look amazing.." He kissed my cheek and helped me in the car. "So where first?" (Btw I don't know any American stores so, when I saw 'Mother care' Or 'New Look' I mean baby shops and clothe stores okay? Ok.) "Urm, I was thinking mother care? To get baby and after birth stuff..." I was dreading how I would look after birth. Those sleepless nights for about a year, trying to loose all my baby fat.. Sigh. What if I turn out really fat and Justin leaves me? "Babe we're here.. Lets try and shop without getting noticed okay?" I nodded slightly heading straight for the shop. 

"Okay, I've got baby clothes, after birth crap, nappies, wet wipes, emergency bag..." Was I missing something? No I couldn't be. "Lets go baby..." Justin suggested, obviously trying not to get noticed. I handed the shop assistant my stuff to scan. "Is that all for today?" She smiled slightly, looking me up and down. "Yes thank you.." I smiled sarcasticly. "Sorry to sound rude but, aren't you abit to young to have a baby?" Is she fucking serious? I'm what.. 25? "urm, I'm 25 actually.." I mumbled, grabbing the bag of shopping. "Oh right sorry.." I scoffed and walked off with Justin. "you okay?" Justin grabbed my hand. "Yeh, you don't think I'm fat or ugly do you?" I asked, I literally ask this everyday, if I don't ask Justin, it'll be someone else. "Babe, you look beautiful, I don't care how much you weigh, your not even fat.." He kissed the top of my head before helping me in the car again. "So when we get back we'll paint the rooms yes?" Justin asked starting the ignition. "Yep.." 


We finally got home without being recognised. We've literally got everyone staying with us for the next 2 months. I read stories on the internet about home births. (Me being a plonker has forgotten when I said the birth would be. Did I say December? Anyway Its December the 26th!) I don't want Rylie to be like that. I don't want her to do this alone. Its not fair on her. So I arranged everyone to stay for the next 2 months. Rylie thinks I'm going over the top but is it so bad to look out for her? I mean seriously I just want what's best for her. "Shall we get started then?" Rylie snapped me out of my thoughts. "Ur yeh.." We're starting on our baby boys bedroom. We still haven't thought of a name yet. I'm thinking something like Jacob or something, something starting with 'J' . I picked up the blue paint and started on the far wall by the window. "This is gonna be amazing" Rylie squealed, causing me to chuckle. "Babe... I've been thinking.." I placed the brush on top of the pot. "That's never a good thing.." Rylie teased, I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around her waist. "I was thinking, Jacob..." She turned to face me, with the most confused face ever. "The baby, Jacob.." I smiled shyly. "That's perfect... Jacob Drew?" She suggested, 'Jacob Drew' Has a ring to it. "I love it.." I kissed the top of her head, she moved backwards, leaning against the wall. "Babe its wet.." I whispered, smirking in the process. "I don't care.." She grabbed the back of my neck, kissing me hard. "Someone's horny.." I smirked. "Oh shhh... Its been ages ya know?" She whispered, removing her top. Well you know where its going...

As you guys can tell I feel awkward writing those parts;) 

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