chapter six

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Leaving Justin was the worst thing yet. I know I had to leave him because, he was new and stuff but.. Does that mean I had to leave? We've known each other since we first started schools, yeh we had our ups and downs but who doesn't? And just when things started to go right we have to split up again. I was okay about the decision made at first but, It's been a month since I left and, I haven't heard anything from anyone. I hear Justin on the radio singing 'One Time' most days, kind of makes me happy knowing that he's making the best of what he's got. I see him on the news too, they say things like 'Justin has a girlfriend already?' 'Is jelena a real thing?' It breaks me to be honest. I don't think I've felt so shit in my life. I knew this would happen.

I turned on the radio whilst I was in the kitchen baking cakes to try and take my mind off of Justin, then I heard a familiar voice. "Hey what's up guys I'm Justin Bieber, I'm here to be interviewed so, if you have any questions, text or call in." I grabbed my phone and dialled in the number. "Justin we have a first caller, hello?"

"Hi urm, my names Rylie I just wanted to ask Justin how things are going?" I took a deep breathe, what if he doesn't realize it's me?

"Rylie? Oh my... It's going great! Ill call you after the interview?"

"Urrr Yeh sure.. Bye" I put my back to the wall and slid down, putting my head in my hands. Tears formed in my eyes. I can't believe he hasn't even thought about me till now. I continued listening to the interview, he started getting really personal questions. The one that stood out for me was when a caller said " Is Rylie your friend? Do you miss her?" 

"Yeh, she's not just a friend.." He paused and took a deep breathe, I could tell he must of looked at scooter to see if it was okay to talk about me. "She's actually my girlfriend, we haven't seen each other in a month because of the whole career thing. I miss her, I miss her a lot." You could hear the hurt in his voice. And with that the interview was over. Suddenly my phone started to ring.




R- why haven't you called until now? 

J- I've been so busy, baby I'm sorry. 

R- Do you know how hard it's been? To leave the house pretending that I don't even know you? That we aren't together? I just... I wanna be with you Justin, I miss you... All of you..

J- Wait there okay? No matter how long I'm off the phone for you stay there okay?

R-Sure but why?

J-You'll see..

*End of convosation* 


I'm famous! It's strange really. You can't go anywhere without having people approaching you, asking for photos. This past month has been mental. So many interviews, shows, going to the studio everyday. If it's like this all the time, I'm gonna be dead soon. I haven't really had time to talk to friends, or family. I mean, no-one has. We've been so busy. I'm meant to be starting a tour in about a couple of months time. Scary right? Today I had an interview with Capital FM and Rylie called in. I really wasn't expecting her to call in. To be fair, I forgot that she even knew about me. I was expecting her to text me or something as soon as she got home but maybe, maybe she thought she would give me some space? Anyway she called in and it was a real surprise. I called her after and by the sounds of things, she's a mess. I mean, she may not say it to anyone, but she is. She doesn't even admit it to herself. Once I finished talking to her I went home, packed some stuff and booked the next flight to Canada. I really want to see her. I asked Scooter if she could come back and stay and surprisingly, he said yes. I mean, I did just tell everyone that she was my girlfriend. And yes, Usher isn't gonna like it but, she's my girlfriend? She deserves to be noticed as MINE. As I got off the plane to Canada, I took a cab to Stratford and made my way to Yn's house. It's been about 8 hours since we last spoke? And it's like 10 at night. I knocked on her door and she appeared round the corner. "Justin?" She ran into my arms. 

"Baby, go get all your stuff okay?" She nodded and ran upstairs as fast as she could. Once everything was packed, we stayed at hers that night because it's been a long day. I'm so glad we're back together. Once we get back to Atlanta things are gonna be crazy! My fans aren't gonna want to know who she is, what she looks like. What if she can't take it? No Justin. Don't think like that. Just be happy she's back. "Justin..." Rylie mumbled beside me. "Yeh?" I asked rolling over to face her. "Thank you for coming back.. " She whispered before closing her eyes.

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