Chapter Ninety Five

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"GET AWAY FROM HER!" I looked up to see Justin running towards us. I got out of Mark's grip and slid away. Well attempted. "I suggest you back off yeh? Who do you think you are torturing innocent women?" Justin spat moving closer to Mark. Carol just stood there, taking it all in. "Back off Bieber! You couldn't give to fucks even if you tried!" Mark shouted, throwing a punch at Justin. Who returned the favour. "Leave my girl alone!" Justin shouted, causing Jacob to kick. Justin looked my way almost instantly, like he knew. "Wanna go home?" He whispered, running over to me. I just nodded, unable to speak. He carried me back to the car. I curled up as tight as I could as memories started to flood back. "Why didn't you tell me about Mark?" He hissed, clearly pissed about it. I didn't tell anyone anyway? The only person who knew was my Auntie? Why was he so pissed? "I didn't tell anyone apart from my Auntie.. Not even Chaz knew.." I whispered, trying to calm myself down. I don't wanna fight with Justin. Not after today. "But you could of told me, even though it was ages ago.." He sighed, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. "Justin just drop it okay! It was ages ago so leave it!" I snapped, my hormones kicking in big time. "I only wanted you to tell me! Jeez Rylie no need to be a bitch.." He mumbled, clearly regretting it after. I shook my head, chuckling lightly. "So I'm a bitch now huh? Tell you what Justin just give up okay? Once we get back don't expect me to be sleeping in the same room because I'm fucking done!" I shouted, leaning against the window, looking outside. I heard Justin sigh deeply. "Look I'm sorry its just... I'm really stressed right now, and your hormones aren't helping. We knew this would be tough... I'm sorry.. "He whispered, I looked over to see him crying. "Look, we've both had a bad day okay?" I mumbled kissing his cheek. He shook his head slightly. "I'm such a dick.. I'm sorry." He whispered, more tears falling from his eyes. "Justin, we'll talk about this when we get home okay?" I asked him, moving back into my place. I looked out the window, we weren't far from home now. Everyone seemed happy. Happy families without worries. So why does it feel like me and Justin are up against the world? Oh wait, because we are.


I'm pretty pissed she didn't tell me about Mark. But its understandable. I decided to drop the subject. The last thing I want to do is upset her right? After the day she's had. We finally arrived home. "babe we're home.." I whispered shaking Rylie. "hmm? Sorry.." She whispered opening her eyes. I chuckled lightly helping her out the car. "Bieber!" I turned around to see Jazzy running towards us. "hey cutie.." I smiled picking her up. "Its Christmas soon!" She smiled, that's true. We've only got a month until Jacob comes. Scary right? Even through we've known for months I still can't get my head round it. I'm gonna be a dad. "Justin you coming in or what?" Rylie chuckled walking ahead. "Uh yeh sorry." I blushed slightly walking in. Everyone was sat down in the front room laughing and joking around. "What's on Justin?" Chaz asked, letting me sit down. "Can we talk?" I asked moving into the kitchen. He nodded and followed. "What's up?" He asked getting a glass of water. "you know Mark? From secondary school? He use to bully Rylie, why didn't you tell me?" I snapped, even though YN said he didn't know. "I didn't know Justin. If I knew I would of done something about it!" He shouted storming off. Why is everyone so pissed today? Seriously? I sighed and sat outside, watching the sun set. "Justin..." I turned around to see Rylie standing there in her PJ's. "Yeh?" I asked, smiling weakly. "Sorry about today, I know I should of told you but I didn't think it was important.. Please forgive me?" Her voice broke slightly. "Yeh.." I breathed out, pulling her onto my lap. "I'm heavy Justin" She whined, wiggling out of my grip. "nope your not. Stay." I said, pulling her back. She gave up fighting and layed there. "Even though we fight alot, I still love you, you know that right?" I mumbled stroking her hair. "I know.." She sighed, kissing my chest.

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