chapter twenty one

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Ever since me and Justin had that conversation things have changed. Alot. He told Selena to do one, and we've been getting closer. Everyone says I make him smile alot more than Selena did. Well that explains everything right? Lately in the news everyone keeps saying, 'Justin's been smoking justin this Justin that' they don't Shut up! Literally, every interview is about Justin, like one the other day. 'So how's you and Justin' I sighed and was like 'yeh my career is going well thanks.' She finally got the hint I didn't wanna talk about him. I mean yeh I wanna show the world I got my friend back but, no one needs to know personally. Everywhere I go I need a guard with me, it's not the same like it was when I was 16. I could just go out without Kenny or whoever but when I was with Justin I had to. But now? Now I have to go out with a guard even if it's just shopping or moving from one hotel to the other. I have loads of fans to. I feel connected with my fans. Like I can talk to them? It's amazing really. You can tell which of Justin's fan have been here since the beginning. You walk by and most of them are like hey that's Rylie the famous girl, where as others are like, hey she was Justin's girlfriend. And some of them even want photos of them with me And Justin because they knew what happened between us. M&G's well... Theyre okay. Bit boring but, I love meeting the fans. Sometimes have a conversation. Ya know the usual. Anyway today I'm going as a support act on Justin's tour. I'm nervous but, excited. Well I never had chance to get this experience ya know because I left so, it's all new to me. I'm just worried ill fall of the stage. "Break a leg" Justin smiled behind me. "Ill break yours ina minuet Bieber.." He just chuckled. "Still bitchy..." I turned around and hit him playfully. "I'm not bitchy, just depends how you treat me." I stuck my tongue out. He was about to say something back then it was my call to go on stage. "You Ready to rock?" I shouted into the crowd. Shit there was loads of them. I did my performance and skipped off the stage, then Allison pulled me aside. "Everything okay?" I panted out. "Yeh, your gonna be Justin's One less lonely girl okay?" Omg, even though I was famous, I have always wanted to be OLLG. I nodded my head and she pulled me straight into the dressing room, applying make up and changing me into my purple dress, the one Justin bought I suppose then when it was my que she pushed me on stage. "Lets give it up for my OLLG Rylie! " the crowd went wild. He sat me in this chair and started singing. Oh my days it was beautiful. He actually sounded like an angel. When the music stopped we ran off stage. "Justin that was amazing!" I squealed. He made sure it was the last song before the show ended. "Rylie I need to talk to you..." 


I thought the whole OLLG thing would be a good way to get her ready for what I wanted to say. After the show I pulled her to my dressing room. "What is it Justin?" She giggled out. That giggle is the cutest thing ever. Wait.. Focus Justin. "Ur well basically... URM... Rylie, I love you more than anything in the world, and I was wondering, will you be my girlfriend?" She looked down, like she was thinking. "And what's happened in the past stays in the past okay? You've made me a whole lot happier than before. When you went, I realised what I lost. And I can't loose you again.. " she looked up. "Of course I will!" She was obviously playing along but I couldn't be mad at her. "Justin, I love you okay?" 

"But, I love you more okay? Yeh done." She giggled. "I should get back, I've gotta go have some interviews outside, ill see you back at the hotel? That's if I haven't fallen asleep..." I chuckled. "Yeh see you there." She jumped up kissed me cheek and skipped out the door. How is she so full of energy I mean seriously? Anyway, I'm just glad to have her back. And I have a surprise for her. It was about midnight so, I knew everyone was settling down for bed. I grabbed my guitar and told everyone what I was doing, everyone apart from Rylie. I sat outside her room, and started playing fall acoustically. She opened the door and started singing with me. I didn't want her too but, it made it better. "Baby, wanna sleep with me tonight?" She went all shy as she asked. I just nodded. "C'mon lets get some rest."

'Fall' (Justin Bieber love story)*completed*Where stories live. Discover now