chapter thirty five

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"YN? It's Chaz... Why you down here?" The figure didn't sound like Chaz. "Are you fucking serious? Where have you been for the past couple of days?" I snapped. I got up and walked towards him. As I approached him, he still had his hood up. "Did you also know it's rude to have your hood up inside?" I pulled it down and gasped. Before squealing."JUSTIN!" I jumped onto him, wrapping my legs round his waist. "I told you ill fight for you no matter what..." I was so happy to see him. I mean, I haven't seen him in days. "Are you hurt or anything?" I shook my head. "He didn't do anything, he just wanted to see how long it would take you to give up, but you never did so... He gave me my phone and let me go. I haven't moved because I couldn't be bothered.." He chuckled at my last comment. "C'mon you.." He picked me up bridal style, carrying me up to the living room where everyone was. Even the 1D boys were there. The first person to lay eyes on me was Zayn. "Glad to see your safe.." He smirked. I went round and hugged everyone. "Where's Chaz? Did he not come?" Chaz was nowhere to be seen. Until I heard someone in the kitchen. I smirked and ran towards it. "DON'T EAT MY FOOD!" I screamed, making him jump out his skin. "HOLY SHIT Rylie I mean.. Omg!" He ran up to me, crushing me with his arms. Oh dear. "Okay, lets forget any of this happened and act natural? We've got some shows to do..." Everyone was amazed by the way I just jumped into the show bit. 


When I found Rylie, I was so relieved. She was just sat there on her phone. I was so confused until she told me everything. And the fact that she now wants to do some shows. We packed some stuff and walked down to the tour buses, papz were everywhere outside the gate, asking questions. Rylie decided it would be fun to go talk to them. "Rylie Rylie! What was it like in the basement!" That's abit personal surly? "Urm... It was alright... He fed me food and water and made me watch telly, it wasnt really torcher." After she finally had enough we made our way to France. Our final place until we get Christmas off. And this year I'm spending it with Rylie Arg! It's gonna be amazing. 

Okay guys, these chapters are pretty boring but TRUST ME! It gets better!

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