chapter thirty three

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Where am I? What's going on? My heart was racing as I fluttered my eyes open and looked around at my surroundings. Everything looked so familiar... Was this? Justin's basement? How and why am I here? Then I thought back... Back to when I was in the hotel, and twist... Shit. I'm still with Twist. I staretd to panic, trying to move around but it was no use. Justin still has no idea where I am. What if he's worried? What if he hasn't bothered looking for me. Twist walked through the door interrupting my thoughts. "Thought you'd like to watch the telly.." His voice sympathetic. What? He set it on the table infront of me, turning on the news. "Breaking news today... Justin Bieber is still on the lookout for former girlfriend Rylie, no one suspects where she has gone, but only who with. Justin's best friend was seen carrying her out the hotel... Is this the end of Justin and Rylie? Will Justin stop looking for her?" Tears fell down my face. Justin must be so scared, so worried. Why would Twist do this? What did Justin do? Twist smiled kindly before making his way out. This is so fucked up.


Its been two days. Two days since I saw her. The last thing she said was 'I love you' Oh how I long to hear her voice again, touch her, feel her close. Why would twist do such a thing? I mean I know he was jealous but seriously? I'm so fucking worried about her right now. I have no idea where she could be. I mean... The only place Twist could go is... OH MY GOD! HE'S BEEN IN MY HOUSE ALL THIS FUCKING TIME. I ran into Scooters room. "Justin? What is it?" He seemed worried. Well, I wouldn't blame him, I haven't eaten in 2 days, or even slept. "Twist is at my house!! C'mon!" I grabbed my stuff and headed outside into my car. I drove straight to the airport, making sure everyone was behind me. I don't care what it takes, I'm gonna get her back, fuck him, if he wants money, Ill give him money... Just not her! Anything but her. 

'Fall' (Justin Bieber love story)*completed*Where stories live. Discover now