chapter twenty two

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RYLIE'S P.O.V *Next night*

"water fight!" I heard Fredo's voice roar above the screaming fans outside. This is usually a daily thing right now, we do a concert then after, we take it out back for a massive water fight, sometimes even getting the fans involved. I grabbed my water gun and hid behind this bin thing. Waiting for Justin to appear. Then, he caught my eye, I ran up quietly behind him, and shot water all over his back. "Your gonna pay for that..." He started running after me. Screaming and giggling at the same taime I decided to give up running away. "Hey Jay? We should ya know gang up on someone..." His face lit up straight away. "Dibs on Scooter.." We both laughed and ran straight towards him. He wasn't even expecting it. Then, that's when karma hit me. The whole crew turned towards me, even Justin. "Shit..." I legged it as fast as I could, trying to get away. Justin appeared out of nowhere. "Told you, you would pay..." He smirked. "Baby please don't..." I cried out. Everyone ran round the corner and covered me with water making my top go transparent. I felt my cheeks go red with embarrassment. "Awh don't worry sweetie, Pattie's top does that too.." I heard Fredo coo. "Ill get you Bieber.." I smirked. "And how will you do that my little pumpkin?" We fell silent then both burst out laughing. "Pumpkin? Dude Halloween isn't for another month yet. Although Rylie does need to take her mask off." I smacked Fredo's arm playfully. Its times like these where I realise how much I missed out on. These times are gonna be the memories that I'm gonna tell my kids, grandchildren and maybe even great-grandchildren. I know exactly how I'm gonna get Justin back. We all headed back to the hotel, papz taking pictures of us looking completely drenched. "I wonder what they'll say about us looking like this?" I asked Justin, who turned to me with a huge smile.. Jokes coming. "Probably something like, Justin Bieber gets his super hot girlfriend wet, he has the power." I knew Justin was dirty minded but not that bad surely! "Justin!" I heard Pattie shout. "That was disgusting, I should wash your mouth out with soap." We both chuckled. "Got that all sorted don't worry." I shouted back. Justin turned to face me, giving me that 'Really' Look. "Babe I'm taking a shower.." I grabbed my towel and headed for the bathroom, I Just washed my hair and sorted my body out when I heard the door open. "Justin?" I started to panic, hiding my body away just in case it wasn't him. "Its me baby, sorry if I scared you.." I sighed. I jumped out and covered my body with a towel before making my way back into the bedroom, slipping on underwear and my pj's as I did. "Guys, everyone needs to be in Scooters room now.." I nodded and walked to Scooters. "Justin, we need to go Scooters room, ill meet you there." As I walked in everyone was silent. I walked over to Pattie who had her head in her hands. "Pattie, what's going on?" She looked up. "Just listen okay?" She sounded upset and tired. Justin walked in and sat beside me. "What's going on baby." Before I could answer Scooter stood up. "As most of you know, Rylie has joined us for believe tour and is dating Justin right? Well, we need to..." He took a deep breath. I don't like the sound of this. As soon as he said my name I knew something was up. I haven't done anything wrong have I? Justin took my hand and squeezed it as Scooter went on to say more. " I think.. We need to... GIVE HER A PROPER WELCOME BACK PARTY!" What? I couldn't believe it! "Thank you guys!" I went round and said thank you to everyone. "Who organised this?" Justin turned and pointed to Scooter. When I first started dating Justin, Scooter was never really fond of me, but he acted like he was. All along I knew he hated me and couldn't wait till I was gone. But after hearing he organised it, things changed. I walked over and he smiled. "Thank you Scooter, you really didn't have to this I-" He cut me off. Everyone seems to be doing that lately. "Its okay, I thought I better make it up to you because well... I didn't really give you a warm welcome a while ago so... Welcome back." He opened his arms and gave me a hug. Okay this is really strange. 


When I found out how Scooter felt about Rylie, ages ago when she left. I hated him. I did still hate him until he told me what he was doing. This isn't like scooter at all. Usually if he hates someone, he will hate them forever. But lately, lately he's been different. He's understood that Rylie makes me happy, and that I'm not leaving her. He's been more supportive with both of us. He seems to be getting along with Rylie alot more. After the party finished we went back to our own rooms. "So how was that baby?" I jumped onto the bed, waiting for Rylie to get in. "It was perfect, at first I thought, oh shit, he wants me to go, then when he said he wanted to give me a proper welcome back I thought.. Woah that's not like him.." We both chuckled. "Ya know, he's been acting weird lately, constantly making sure I'm okay, making sure he did this for you.. What if he's leaving this whole thing?" The thought of Scooter leaving me was abit too much, I mean, yeh I'm only what... 18, and I need him here, he's like my dad. "Babe, he won't do that, and if he does, you still have the whole crew, and you can always ring him when you need him right?" I nodded. I just sat there, staring at her hour glass figure, amazing eyes, plumpy lips. "Justin, what are you looking at?" She giggled and covered her face, she always gets like this when people look at her. "I'm looking at how beautiful you are and how I ever became so lucky to find you..." I took her hands away from her face. "look at me beautiful..." Her eyes turned to mine, the eyes that held amazing memories. "I love you" She smiled. "I love you too.." She layed back down and I put my arm around her waist. Then bam! She turned around and smacked a pillow over my face. "what the fuck was that for?" She just giggled. I moved closer to her, attempting to kiss her, then when I was close, I tickled her. "Justin..." She giggled really loudly. "Your so cute when you giggle.." She gave out a little chuckle before hitting me with the pillow again. This always seemed to happen on the first night at a new hotel. We would stay up until 4 in the morning, just messing around acting like kids. This was the only time we got to be ourselves, without getting judged.  Everyday we get judged, but behind closed doors? We are ordinary kids just getting on with life. 

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