chapter five

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Once we settled in to our new home Scooter thought it was best that we didn't go and see Usher straight away because well, Justin wasn't really ready. Scooter said he was too hyped about the whole thing. We spent most of our first week at home, unpacking and sorting out who's stuff is who's. Not gonna lie, I miss my mum and dad. It feels strange being without them. Sometimes according to Justin, I cry and very rarely scream whilst I'm asleep. I mean, I get bad dreams about them hating me and stuff. "Baby, you were crying again last night, everything okay?" He wrapped his arms around me like I'm some sort of baby. I mean, I can't tell him that I miss mum can I? He would send me straight back. "Oh nothing, just a bad dream I suppose." He gave me a funny look and shook it off. I walked outside into the garden because I needed some fresh air. Being stuck in the same house without going anywhere for a week is sooo boring. I just sat there for a while, listening to the birds singing and the background noise of Justin in the kitchen. 

"BABY! I NEED HELP!" He literally screamed from the kitchen. I ran in to find Justin stood there, with burnt cakes and flour everywhere. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Can you help me? Your so much better at making cakes." He gave me a shy smile as if he was embarrassed. 

"Justin you don't have to be embarrassed about it? C'mon, Ill help..Why are you making cakes anyway?" 

"For mum.." I nodded, I grabbed the coal looking cakes and chucked them in the bin. I put all the ingredients in the mixing bowel and was just about to put them in the tray when Justin decided to mess around and put flour all over me, leaving hand marks on my bum. "Oh your gettin it Biebs." I grabbed a hand full of flour and chucked it all over his hair. 

"Oh that's it" He smirked, picked up more flour and chucked it everywhere. We both chuckled and put the cakes in the oven ready for when Pattie gets home. 

"Justin, I'm going for a shower okay?" Once I got out the shower I heard Justin talking to someone. I walked downstairs to find Scooter sat on the sofa. 

"Baby, go get changed, I'm gonna go sing to Usher!" I ran upstairs, put some clothes on and we headed straight out the door. Not gonna lie I think Justin was nervous, he didn't stop twiddlin his thumbs. 


I'M SINGING INFRONT OF USHER. I can't believe it. I mean, I've always wanted to meet him and now? Now Scooter is getting me to sing infront of him! I'm pretty nervous I mean, what if I mess it up? Once we arrived Scooter introduced us to Usher and we started straight away. I sang both songs that he wanted to hear and then when I finished, we sat and waited. What if he doesn't like me? Or, what if I'm not good enough? 

"I've come to a decision, Ill make you famous if... You loose the girl, just while your getting famous." What?

"Sorry but, why?" Scooter stood up, clearly he was on my side even though I didn't say anything.

"It's not good for his appearance.. He has to be new, sexy and single.. Sorry kid, It's only until you get comfy.." I looked over at Rylie who was in floods of tears. 

"Usher man.. This isn't fair, she moved up with us, to live with us. I love her man... I can't loose her, not again!" I could feel tears forming in my eyes. Oh god, not infront of Usher.

"Sorry man."I stood up, grabbed Rylie's hand and walked out. Scooter following behind. We got in the car and drove straight back home. 

"Justin, don't let me get in the way of your dreams okay? It's fine, Ill go home for a few months or so... Until things are sorted, then we can be together..." I cut her off before she could say anymore.." I don't want you to go! You shouldn't be... We shouldn't be put in this situation. I don't wanna loose you baby.." Oh great here come the tears.

"No Justin, this is your dream, you make this dream come true okay? We'll be back together before you know it okay?" I nodded not wanting to have an argument.


"Do you have to go?" I held her hand as we walked to the air port. Yeh, I thought it would be better if she took an aeroplane I mean, you never know who might be on a bus or train right? 

"Yes, look, you make your dream come true and ill be back soon? Scooter said I can come back in 2 months at least. I love you baby." She started dwelling up and so did I. I can't say bye, not again. 

"I love you too baby, Ill make sure you come back okay?" She nodded. I let go of her hand and watched her walk to her flight, waving as she walked away. 

"C'mon Justin, she'll be back soon I promise." I sighed and walked to the car. This is gonna be a long 2 months.

this too forever to upload bc wattpad was being gay, sorry this is shit ill probably edit it soon! thank you though 

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