chapter twenty nine

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After finally getting back to the hotel we have to prepare for tonight's show. "JUSTIN!!!" I heard Scooters voice bellow through the walls. "What's wrong?" He had a face like thunder, I've never seen him so angry. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? SHOUTING AT PAPZ?" He's angry about that? "Dude, you should of heard what they were saying, Rylie feels worthless thanks to them, you can't tell me you wouldn't do the same for your girlfriend/wife would you?" He sighed. "I suppose..." Haha off the hook. Twitter was going mad. Everyone was saying how proud they were of me to say that stuff, others said Rylie should of stuck up for herself. Well at the end of the day, they were being harsh towards her, she ignored it like she always does but sometimes, it gets to her and she starts to believe it. I arrived at the arena where Rylie was, she was chatting with nial and zayn. Again. "Hey baby feeling better?" I kissed her cheek and wrapped my arm around her waist. "Yeh, ill be okay, I promise." I could see the hurt in her eyes, I wasn't the only one. Zayn and Niall could see it. "Baby, your perfect okay? Your not a slut, you will always be enough for me, even if people say your not good enough, you fucking are okay? I love you beautiful." Yeh suck on that one Zayn. Haha I could make a joke about that. (Btw I don't hate 1D I love them okay? Okay) "I love you too" I kissed her cheek once more before makin my way towards the dressing room. I was in there for about 5 minuets and someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" I shouted just putting my top on. Zayn walked through the door. "J-Justin, c-could i t-talk to you?" He stuttered as he spoke. "Sure" I gave him a warming smile so he felt more comfy. "Ur, you need to watch Rylie's eating and the way she is towards herself, the things that are put on twitter are really and I mean really gettin to her okay?" How did he know this? "Ur thanks mate, ill keep an eye out, cheers." I gave him a brotherly hug before he had to go on stage. "Scooter I wanna say something to the fans before Rylie goes on. I won't be long.." He nodded. As soon as the boys got off I ran straight on. "What's up guys, Urm... I'm not here to perform right now I just wanna talk. Lately, someone I love so much has been getting alot of hate as you may know? I would just like to ask you, please don't hate on her, she isn't a bad person, she isn't a slut, a bitch or whatever. She's a really lovely person, if you just give her a chance, I'm sure you can see it too. Give it up for Rylie!" I walked off stage giving Rylie a kiss. "Wow dude, the way you interact with your fans is amazing, honestly.." I heard Liam say. "Cheers dude, I find if you have a friendship with your fans, they understand alot more..." 


Those harsh words that everyone's said has been going through my head all day. It just won't stop. What if I'm not good enough for Justin? What if he leaves me because he's found some pretty big boobed Burnett who has perfect eyes and everything? From day 1 I've always doubted myself on why Justin would choose me? I just don't get it? I mean yeh I respect him, and his fans but that can't be a reason right? I mean today he, he went on stage and told the fans how I'm a nice person, how I'm a good person. I mean, what kind of person says that to their fans? I couldn't do it? I just want all the hate to stop. After my show I looked on twitter to see what people have said. #STOPHATINGONRYLIE was trending worldwide. Wow. I looked through some of the tweets and it was amazing. I responded to quiet a few and followed some people and RTs as many as I could. Before posting 'I see all the comments, and I'm really great full, thank you!' Before logging off. I don't get it? Justin spoke to some fans who were at the arena. Not everyone on twitter? This is so strange. "Baby..." I whined at Justin. "Yeh?" He groaned. "I'm hungry...." It was about 4 in the morning, in a new hotel. Yeh.. This is gonna be fun. Justin phoned room service and got us loads on candy and chocolate. "Thank you!" I squealed. I'm likes kid at Christmas. Justin couldn't help but laugh. "Hey Rylie? Lay down..." I layed down with a confused look on my face. Justin lifted up my oversized top,chucking it across the room, and took off my shorts, chucking them across the room. I couldn't help but giggle. He kissed down my belly, and across my nicker line, before slipping the black thong down my legs. He the kissed back up my belly, and started sucking on my neck, soft moans left my mouth making Justin smirk. He unclasped my bra, massaging my boobs. Making me moan even more. He slipped off his boxers making his huge boner smack his stomach. He grabbed a condom which was in the pile of food we got, and slipped it on. "Ready?" I bit my lip and nodded. "I'm so sorry..." He whispered as he thrusted into me slowly... After a few thrusts it turned into pleasure. "Justin... I-I'm close..." 

"Me too... 3 2 1.." We both moaned together. 

omg I feel so dirty writing that.. I'm sorry

'Fall' (Justin Bieber love story)*completed*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ