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Naina's POV

'Yes'. Harry and K screamed happily at the same time.

I know I've to do this, Never give up on anything that you really want, it's difficult to get it but more difficult to regret.

'But... how'll I get there, I mean in the engagement like it's Liam Payne's engagement they won't let anyone enter.' I asked.

'I'll pick you up, don't worry we have plan just make me a call when you're here. Just reach here before 3:00, it's the engagement timing.' Harry informed me. 3:00 seriously I need to go now if I want to reach there on time. Well.. when's the engagement.

'When's the engagement.' I asked and K stared me  as if I had just asked something senseless.

'You don't know that it's all over media.' Harry said sounding shocked.

'Okay I was too depressed, I was almost living under a rock.' I defended myself rolling my eyes.

' tomorrow.' Harry answered in a declarative sound. Wait, What!  tomorrow. It takes an entire day to reach London. It's 7:00 PM already. If I leave around 11:00 I'll reach there on the engagement day.

'Harry, according to flight timings she'll reach there on the day.' K informed well I had to say it but since the entire conversation she was quite. I don't mind it.

'Then that's the only way, leave around 11:00. Then you'll make it here.' Harry answered how unconcerned he's about this fact what if I'll reach there just an hour before the engagement disastrous.

'Now hang up get your bags pack, London's waiting for you.' Harry screamed from the other side.

London's waiting for me. I feel like I am making my biggest move and that it will give any two results. Rejection or love.

'Bye Harry meet you in London.' I said smiling at my thoughts of the big day.

'Bye'. Harry said hanging up.


Liam's POV

'Sorry Liam we wanted to join you their but we missed our flight.' Ruth sighed from the other side of the phone.

'No problem, obviously I'll miss you, but Harry, Zayn, Niall and Louis will be here.' I said lowly.

My family had missed their flight and they couldn't join me at my engagement. Situation is growing worse.
A day prior to my engagement I am thinking if it's the right decision. How shitty this can be. Plus, my family will not be here on my engagement. I miss you Naina.

'Liam we're sorry we tried.' Ruth said and I could imagine her biting her lips with regret.

'No I understand.' I answered trying to make my voice sound a little happily but failing terribly.

'Liam you aren't happy with your decision.' Ruth declared she was really close to me and could hear my depressing voice.

How can someone expect me to be happy when I am getting engaged to a girl who cheated me. Plus, I had loved Naina not Abril.

'No, I am happy,  Abril really loves me.' I faked my voice to sound glad so that it won't tense her.

'Seriously, I doubt.' Ruth chuckled trying to lighten up the mood but she was unable to repair my terribly sad mood.

'No, she loves me.' I said trying to give her a good chuckle and it turned to be a sad chuckle.

'Okay, she love you but do you love her.' She asked leaving me speechless. The one I loved was probably sleeping at this time dreaming about someone else.
It was all to forget her and who knows I'll start loving Abril with time.

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