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Liam's POV

I was angry with all of that mocking. I was all over frustrated , what the hell all over . I sat down angrily on the grassy ground my legs crossed. I started to recap every single thing that happaned today. Great start Liam. I sighed to myself as I thought about how stupid I was to leave, a golden chance and food of course. My stomach grumbled agreeing with my statement.

'I know buddy, you're hungry'. I said as I placed my hand over my stomach.

'I hope you can stop talking to your stomach'. The familiar voice entered my ear a familiar husky voice.
I turned my face behind looking at Harry walking towards me. He stepped in front of glaring me with a grin spread across his face.

'You're blocking the sunlight'. I spat at him looking away.

'Come on we were just joking'. Harry said. I saw him he was holding something a plate of waffles. The smell of it made my mouth water. I gulped taking in all the saliva that had collected in my mouth. I wanted to ask him for that plate but I was able ti resist myself from doing this.

'You're still blocking the sunlight'. I stated again smirking at him. A very serious smirk.

He sighed. I was continuously eyeing that plate. He moved a little bit and then sat beside me crossing his legs the plate of waffle still in his hand. I could have snatched that plate from him.
I tried to look away from Harry pretending I wasn't interested in him or waffles.

'Stop pretending I know you can't resist hunger.' He narrowed his eyes at me. I couldn't resist this anymore and finally snatched the plate from his hand. I devoured at the waffle.

'Are you still angry'. Harry asked looking at me taking huge bites of that waffle.

I nodded rubbing my mouth with sleeve of my jacket and then again I continued murdering the waffle.

'You know'. He started,after a small pause he continued 'you both look so perfect together, made for each other, you are like an incomplete puzzle and Naina is the piece which completes you,'. He stopped.

I smiled at Harry and he chuckled, I love this kind of Harry.

'And, Naina is like a story and you are the end'. He completed smiling.

'Thanks Harry,'. I replied when I placed the plate on the ground.

'What are you planning to do next'. He questioned me, what was he talking about.

'About what? '. I asked raising my shoulder.

Harry smirked at me like I had asked the most senseless question in this entire world.

'Liam, don't tell me'. He stated his lips and eyebrows in a straight line.

I stared him confused. I was all clueless what he was talking. He frowned at me and then sighed loudly.

'You're impossible'. He started his statement and then continued 'how and when are you going to confess'. He declared.
I was clueless. I didn't had a answer to this question.

'I'll tell you, once I know'. I shrugged this is the anwer to this question well some answer was better than all dead silence.
Harry sighed and then said 'I knew that tonight everyone are coming to your room at twelve and guess what we will plan for you'. He informed me standing up from the ground.

'Okay'. I didn't knew how to reply and this was the best reply I could have thought about. Maybe my answers go blank when I am around Harry.

'Get up fast, Paul is almost here else he will be all over us'. Harry chuckled his two dimples popping like two clowns in a circus.
I rolled my eyes and then giggled at Harry's way of mocking. Two things Harry has mastered, mocking and flirting. I can take a mocking class from him.
I stood up and started walking behind him.


The three cars pulled into the driveaway and then parked. Paul stepped out from the car which was leading the other cars.

'Hey'. He greeted once he stepped out and then in front of us.

'Hey'. We all said in a chorus. Our timing is really good.

'And Naina'. He stepped in front of her as Naina waved her. 'We've met before but not for a long time'. He said and shaked hands with Naina.

'Yes'. She replied smiling widely. Her smile is killing.

'I see why Liam likes you'. He suddenly said from nowhere. My heart was about to jump out of my chest. Paul..... I can seriously kill him for doing this.
I was trying to speak this up for past months and this guy just vomited such a big secret in a second. He destroyed everything.
I looked at Naina she was all stunned like someone had just told her that she was about to die. I wanted to go and cober all this emergency situation.

'I mean I see why Liam and others like you'. Paul finally covered the big wrong statement, which was not satisfying her.
There was a look of relaxation on Naina's face but a little bit of suspection too.

'Look'. Zayn tried to remove any doubt in Naina's mind.

'We've got a couple of tickets for you, would you come?'. He asked.

'Of course'. K yelled almost going crazy with excitement capping her hands like a little kid. A little kid who had threatened me to not mess up with her sister.

'Okay you all must proced we both will come later'. Naina informed.

We all started hoping inside the car I looked at Naina as she stood there. She looks so preety even while doing nothing, she is a beautiful sculpture.
I stared her untill Louis had to push me inside and I practically crashed against the window frame.
We all were waving at Naina and she waved back. I was continuously waving even when we were out of the driveway.

'We are not going forever Liam'. Niall pulled me back at my seat. Maybe he didn't knew that I can even jump out of the car to wave Naina.

When Harry had brought me back to the hall Naina's mum was already gone and I saw Harry signalling everyone to move out leaving me and Naina.
There was an awkward silence among us she was silent out of shy and I was silent due to love.

'I am sorry'. I started removing the awkward silence and stared Naina.
She didn't even looked at me.

When I discovered how close we both were standing but she didn't moved, I wondered why.
She was all frozen the only moving object in her entire body was her eyes. The feature of her that I loved the most. Her pupil was lightly moving as she stared looked at anything but not me.

'Its alright'. She said finally facing me a grin spread across her face and I smiled back.

'I'll ask Harry and Zayn not to mock you further'. I chuckled.
'Warn them else I would be all over them, beating them'. She said chuckling and I laughed.
I was brought back to my state when Zayn lurched my arms.

'Come out of your dreams'. Harry smirked at me.

I am unable to do this to come out of my dreams of this most beautiful girl.

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