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Liam's POV

'Lets get in'. Naina said excitedly and then started walking on the white graveled path which was ending in front of the main door of the house.
Naina entered the door followed by me and behind me were Zayn, Louis and Niall. When I looked behind in the distance I saw K and Harry still arguing with each other.
These guys are ultimate fools.
I entered the house. It had peach galala classico tiles with a white carpet covering some part of the room. In center was placed a black sofa set with white pillows. The curtains were jet black with hints of white. Room was painted in crimson red with a white ceiling. A huge golden chandelier was ornamented on the ceiling. It was a really preety and beautiful house.

'Hello'. The voice echoed and a lady dressed in black tailored pants, white shirt and a blazer. Her eyes were brown just like Naina. These eyes would have been incredibly beautiful but had turned little fading with age. There were dark circles under her eyes still her face looked pretty.

'She's my mum'. Naina introduced us to her mother. This is the reason her features were so similar with Naina.

'Hello'. I said and then observed I was not the only one, we all had said this in a chorus obviously Harry was still busy with a little conflict.
' great to have you all here in the house'. Naina's mother smiled widely welcoming us.

'Thank you'. I said but than again I realized I was not the only one it was again a chorus. I saw Naina chuckling and her chuckle was actually killing me.

I saw the smile on her mother's face fade and was replaced by a frown. I looked at myself the vomit stain that Louis had gifted me.

'Louis did this'. I informed her mother. I don't want her to think that her future son in law once puked on his T-shirt.
'You need to get cleaned'. She chuckled

'Hello are we late'. The voice behind our little crowd said and we all turned behind looking at Harry and K.

'Yup maybe you are'. I said and again it was not only me it was a chorus.
We stared each other we were having a big amount of collaboration among us.

'You should change and maybe have a sleep, let me take you to your rooms'. Naina informed all of us and we started following behind her.
We climbed the spiral staircase which covered with a red carpet. We walked through the hallway which had several vases placed on its edges.
I saw as she peeked through a half opened door.
We were about to enter when she said 'it will take some more time for your rooms to get cleaned till then you can stay here in Kirti's room'. She informed and then opened the door. We all entered the room as we looked around the walls they all were covered with our posters. Every poster was different some were old when I was hairy and the present one's where I had a settled quiff.
There was a tiny shelf on one of the wall which had four CDs placed on it. They were, 'Take Me Home',Up All Night', Midnight Memories' and 'Four'. The Oak table placed beside the bed had five plastic models of us.

'You are a big fan'. Harry commented after looking around. We all moved and took our seats on the bed which had our pillow covers and bedsheets.

'It is a little wiered to sit over myself'. Louis said when we all saw that we were sitting just above our printed pictures on that bedsheet.

'I am sure it is'. Naina shakes her head.

We started talking and then talked for awhile when Naina's mother came in and informed us that the rooms were ready.
Naina showed us to our respective rooms and coincidently my room was just beside Naina's room.

Naina's POV-

Liam was the last one to get him his room.
The entire journey towards the room I was staring him. I was feeling a strange sensation inside me. I saw him ruffling his hairs, he looked extremely sexy and dreamy doing this. He is like a piece of cupcake an extremely adorable chocolate cupcake.
He was telling about some incident which happened backstage during some concert. I was staring him with a shy smile spread across my face. He is so expressive it is like his eyes speaks more than his tongue. He was throwing his hands everywhere and positioning them in different ways.
Suddenly, he stopped speaking and glared at me his brown eyes burning as he stared me. His hands were frozen in hair and he wiggled his eyebrows at me. He had seen me staring at him which is really embarrassing. I shake my head as my cheeks grew red.
He started walking again speaking random things, I was frozen on my spot as he moved some steps ahead.

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