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Liam's POV

'Liam now that's serious'. Harry declared.
After doing that final dance moves on the bed. I was really unable to control my excitement. Harry wanted to talk something really serious but every time he tried I would burst in excitement.
This was the fourth time Harry was warning me but it didn't seem to work.

'Okay now serious'. I sat up straight and then bursted up again.

'I give up'. Harry sighed walking out of the room.

'Harry stop, sorry, please come back'. I made my best puppy dog face.

'Sure you won't burst up with laughter, suddenly blush, day dream or get over excited again'. He gave me a side glance.

'I promise Hazza'. I pouted.

'Listen to me Liam, ' he started. It looks like we have exchanged our characters usually it is me lecturing Harry and Harry is the one to bother me make those pouts and plastering a puppy dog face.
'We are going there for three days'. He said his serious version of that husy voice.

'Three days are just enough for me'. I assured Harry. He gave me a deadly glare even though I didn't daydreamed, bursted with laughter or suddenly blushed.

'You know Liam, these three days you would be doing concerts you need some extra days'.

I nodded I felt like a kid being lectured by his father to increase his attention at studies.

'Yeah..I guess I need'. I shrugged. Harry sighed and before he could start speaking the door slammed open revealing Zayn.

'Liam'. He yelled,running towards me like tiger running towards his prey. What is he trying to do.
He ran towards me and jumped above the edge of the bed and jumped over me. He practically jumped on me, it pained it did pained. I whined.

'Get off' I screamed trying to push him away but he had a strong grip on my arm. He was actually, sitting astride on me.

'I am not forgiving you for this'. He playfully punching my stomach.

'Zayn I don't know what are you talking about'. I stated pushing his hands away from me .
'Stop pretending'. Zayn shaked his head.

'No I am not pretending, first get off me please Zayn'. I asked him to get off me.

He sighed and climbed down me. Now what is  he  talking about,  what have I done now.

'What were you talking about'. I asked him. Suddenly a wide, playful smile crept his face. He licked his lips with a big smile.

'Do you think Harry can keep a secret from me'. He replied. I was frozen stunned, did Harry revealed all that Naina thing to Zayn.
I turned my face to Harry who was trying to creep out of the room.
He passed me an apologetic expression with a mischievous smile.

I sighed with frustration how can he reaveal my big secret to Zayn.

'Why didn't you ever told me before'. He asked lightly slamming my shoulder.

'I wanted to but you were too busy with your Perrie nightmares'. I cracked at him. A deadly smirk covered his face.

'Okay fine Zayn but make sure you won't tell anyone else'. I told him trying to take a promise from him.

'I won't, I promise'. Zayn assured the smirk was taken over a true smile.

'I am sorry'. Harry apologized from behind me.

'That's fine buddy'. I replied back.

'I would have never got Naina drunk if I knew about this'. Zayn raised his shoulders.

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