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Liam's POV

We returned from the concert. This concert was really better than the last one we actually addressed a big crowd.
When we were leaving for the concert Naina had asked us to take care of K and truly she didn't needed any care. She got really well with Paul. Backstage they were doing a little push up competition, and Paul was teaching her self- defense techniques. They both chased Zayn and Louis around. She was coming in the car behind us and I thought this was a good time to tell others about K hiding a big secret.

'Guys I had to ask something'. I interrupted their conversation. They were talking about the concert we just did.

They all looked at each other and then nodded at me. They surely thought that it was strange and maybe it was.

'Don't you think K's acting strange'. I tried to explain and my hand moved around my other hand as I tried to explain.

'What do you mean. Its hardly a couple days we've met her. We scarcely know her'. Harry  shrugged shaking his head.

'Yes, I agree but I think she's hiding some secret from us'. I replied rubbing the back of my neck.

'Fine, if she is hiding a secret why are you bothered. Why will she tell the secret to you or anyone of us and why we need to know this secret'. Zayn said raising his shoulder.

'Because I know the secret is related to me or Naina'. I replied little louder than explaining but not screaming.
'How do you know?' Niall questioned raising his eyebrows.

'I...I don't know but I am sure'. I assured but stuttered a little bit.

'Liam maybe you're just over thinking'. Louis said nodding his head.

'No, no the night when we were talking about Naina and asked her about her likes and dislikes. She didn't even replied. She was lost for a moment. Then, when we were laughing she was all quite, thinking something. Today she choked when Naina said she won't come and when we were playing soccer and Naina cheered us she looked disappointed. Is this all normal.' I finally completed the explanation part.
Their mouths were gaped as the stared me.

'You're diligently alert'. Harry sighed and then looked at me.
'Okay she  is keeping a secret related to you or Naina. But how will we get that secret out of her'. Zayn asked.
I was speechless I stared Zayn as he smiled at me and a plan popped up in my mind.

'With you'. I said my eyes widening, my lips twisted in a smile as my mouth opened a little.

'What! ' Zayn exclaimed and narrowed his eyes, furrowing his eyebrows.

'You, you are K's favorite member Naina once told me'. I exclaimed with excitement.

'Liam if someone's your favourite, that never means you'll tell him your secrets'. Zayn raised his shoulders and shakes his head, sighing.

'But maybe she'll tell you'. Harry said trying to convince Zayn.

'I won't do this why would she tell me. Niall, you try.' Zayn hit Niall playfully on his back.

'Don't drag me Zayn'. He eyed Zayn with anger which eventually turned to be cute or adorable. This guy can never show an angry expression.

'Please Zayn at least try'. Louis requested making that puppy dog face.
The next second I could see everyone around me including me making puppy dog faces at Zayn. Zayn stared everyone of us.

'Fine'. He groaned and our real faces were back.

'Thank you Zayn, I love you'. I said playfully kissing his cheek.

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