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Liam's POV

'Wake up'. My eardrum was given a complete, awful lurch.
I open my eyes and bright sunlight enters them. I blink several times before taking a complete vision of my surrounding.

'Harry is that you, you found us'I overjoyed but didn't left my position.

I saw Harry standing in front of me his hairs decorated with husk and dry leaves. He was surely tired with his look.

'Obviously we found you after facing some fucking moments'. He yelled at me.

'Thank you so much'. I tried to thank him.

'Thank you my foot'. He screamed again. 'We were crazy finding you and you are sleeping comfortably'. He continued.

'We'. I narrowed my eyes.

Harry rolled his eyes 'Zayn'. He pointed towards the ground.
I looked at the place where his hand was pointing, front of me was a hell tired Zayn.

He was lying on the ground almost dead his quiff was really unsettled there were thousands of dry leaves in his hairs like it was his highlights and something on his T-shirt it was shit really bird shit.

I gaped my mouth at his appearance.
'This is not surprising, this is surprising'. He smirked pointing towards me.

I looked down at myself, Naina was sleeping beside not even an inch away her hand was on my chest, her ears were stuffed with earphones this is the reason even a screaming Harry could not wake her up, another surprise my one hand was wrapped around her waist.

'This is surprising'. I said dreamily.
'Something happened'. Harry asked smiling widely at me.

'No'. I shake my head.

He smirked 'wake her up we have to go and carry Zayn'. He declared.

We reached our camp and Niall and Louis raced towards us. 'Thank god you both are fine'. Louis said but then glared widely towards the four people.

I and Harry were carrying Zayn on our shoulder Zayn was barely aware of his surroundings.

'What happened to him'. Louis asked gaping his mouth.

'He's just ..... irritated'. Harry replied.

'You know, I thought Zayn must be carrying Liam because Liam was lost but here case is different'. Louis nodded surprisingly.

'Zayn and Liam should exchange their positions'. Niall joked.

'What had happened with Zayn'. Louis exclaimed.

'I hate squirrels shit, MAN'. Zayn yelled.

I and Harry chuckled. Zayn and Harry had narrated the story until we reached the camp. The huge problems they both faced while finding us.
A couple of squirrels were playing inside Zayn's pants and then while trying to save his precious thing from those squirrels he pushed himself and Harry into some pit.
This was not the end when Harry fell in fight with a bird and then bird took its revenge from Zayn by making his T-shirt its toilet.
Then they both were chased by a group of bees and then fell in a tiny lake. They both really love me.

Then I push myself out of imaging Zayn and Harry adventures and looked at the reality.

'I was so worried for you'. Niall said while hugging Naina.

My blood boiled and my temperature was more then that of Sahara desert.

I left Zayn and then he hit the ground I went to Naina and Niall, even their names start with same letter why my name is not Niam, so I went to Naina and broke their hug and then hugged Niall as tightly as I could and he would stop breathing.

'I missed you so much '. I grinned my teeth, punching his back.
'That's fine I missed you too'. He stuttered.
I finally let go off him and he took heavy breaths.

'Lets go guys we can't take more of this forest . Get in the jeep'. Harry declared.

'I want to go.. please..'. Zayn cried.

'Fine buddy'. Niall soothed.

Louis stood beside me and whispered 'I knew you like Niall'.
I glared him angrily 'Louis I am not willing to kill you'. I stated.
He gulped and left.
We all finally took our seats in the jeep and Harry started driving.

'You know we were scared for Naina'. Louis said.

'Why'. Naina her mouth stuffed with potato chips which she was sharing with Niall.

'Because you were stuck in this forest with Liam, the most innocent guy in One Direction' . Harry screamed from the driving seat.

'Do you know what he would have done if he came across a tiger'. Niall said and then started acting 'are you hungry would you like to eat us'. And then everyone laughed I smirked at Niall.

'You guys are in a big illusion'. Naina exclaimed.

'What illusion'. Niall asked his mouth stuffed with potato chips and it sounded like 'what illusion'.

'He is not at all innocent'. Naina stated smirking.

'Liam, man what have you done that Naina is saying this'. Zayn commented sleepily and tired from the seat beside Harry.

I bit my lips. 'He is a master in cracking vulgar jokes'. Naina declared.
She narrated everything that had happened and I just stared at her.

'Wow. Liam Daddy Direction showing his true colours'. Harry chuckled.

'I don't believe this Liam did you ate something wrong'. Niall cracked the joke again.

'Surely he is  someone else, remove your mask'. Louis screamed.

'And we struggled so much for this vulgar guy'. Zayn said still tired and weak but trying his best to speak.
Naina started laughing with all these comments and I stared her.
The way her eyes shine when she smiles and how her lips lightly move when she is speaking. It is like she says a lot when she is quite.

I was in a forest all alone with her but I did nothing I could have confessed my feelings. I could have earned her but I did nothing we both are simply back I regret this a lot I let the best chance slip out from my hands.
She will be back in just two days and then I have to keep this feeling to myself my entire life. We both will be separated. Just like Romeo and Juliet but we won't make an epic love story cause' no one other than Harry knows about it. I will be single my entire life all my dreams would be wasted. How I imagined my and Naina's marriage we both will marry to times and Indian traditional wedding and a Christian wedding. We'll have a little kid and we will name him Ariana or Austin. My all dreams would be wasted.

Naina's POV

I was in a forest all alone with Liam. I could have confessed my feelings but here I am a foolish and silly one who is just simply back. In a couple of days I will be back to India and loose my crush, how sad.
I had imagined a lot for both of us we will buy wedding stuff together and we will have two ceremonies one Indian and another Christian we will have a kid and then name him or her Abeer and Arisha. My all dreams are broken and I will remain single all my life.

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