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Liam's POV
I don't believe that we've really won this case. The chances of us winning was less than..............anything which is very small. I am really bad at examples. But that doesn't matter at all. I won the case... oh yeah oh yeah. I feel like dancing at this moment like Leroy. I am huge missile of joy right now. I've never felt so much alive before. The world looks so beautiful today. I feel like flying. Everything is perfectly fixed and fine now. If you will kill me today I will still feel alive. The heaven is at my feet. Fly Liam, Fly.

'I don't believe this, we are actually standing here all happy and jumping.' Naina yelled with happiness evident in her voice.

'No more Abril, no more Corey, no more case, no more Orlando.' Niall beamed happily. Oh this is important no more Orlando. Thing are getting better with every single second.

'No more Veronica.' Louis added. Yes, no more Veronica. Another reason to be very happy.

'Please thank us too.' Harry said, oh yeah. I didn't thanked Zayn and Harry although I am really thankful to them for doing this. I love these guys. For sometime at least.

'Of course, thank you so much Harry.' I thanked him and he just beamed in return.

'Hey I am Zayn Malik and I exist.' Zayn waved at me dramatically.

'And you too Zayn.' I added and Zayn nodded while smiling.

'Thank you so much Zayn, Harry, Niall and Louis. Really whatever you did it matters so much. Thanks for helping me and Liam outta this mess.' Naina said, wait was I not involved. This is really offending she didn't mentioned me. Even I helped her outta this mess. But who is bothered to mention Liam no matter how hard I work I am always excluded. Is this only me or was I really supposed to be mentioned.

I cough awkwardly to make Naina realize that I exist and that even I did something. Actually I was the one who did everything. It was my idea to make Zayn and Harry my advocates.

'And yes.' She finally noticed me 'Liam is thankful too.' She said. This was not what I was expecting. I mean I am thankful but I want someone to be thankful to me too. Life never gives you what you want.

'Liam doesn't look like he is.' Louis cocked an eyebrow at me and in return I gave him a deadly glare. 'He looks pissed off.'

Right, cause' I was pissed off for a second.

'How did you get that video, Abril had destroyed the phone.' Naina asked unable to hide the excitement in his voice.

'The phone was destroyed not the memory card.' Harry raised his eyebrow with a playful grin on his face. I don't know what he's saying. 'That day when you pushed all of us out of your house, remember.' Harry said stressing the word remember. 'I found the memory card outside your bedroom door.' Harry said smiling proudly at himself. Yeah, yeah. I was wrong they were right but I would never accept this out loud.

'I think something is wrong with my ear Liam said thank you, but I couldn't hear it.' Zayn said cupping his ears with a tight lipped smile. I never said thanks. You know what you should never rant about helping someone.

'Thank you.' I mumbled to them.

'Did you say something Liam.' Harry asked trying to look amazed. I must thank them they did something worth a thank you. But If I'll say it I am sure they are going to tease me my entire life for that.

'Thank you both of you, actually all of you. Thanks Louis for supporting me, thanks Harry and Zayn for representing me in the court, thanks Niall for being my witness. Thank you Naina for trusting me.' I said I think they deserve a thank you at least. No matter if they tease me my entire life for this. I just felt like I should at least show them that I appreciate whatever they did for me. Lets just say there was some miracle in my brain.

I just saw all of them staring at me with love eyes an warm grin trying to hold back a chuckle.

'Aw Liam we will always do this for you.' Niall said and then the next second I was embraced in a tight group hug.

'Lets celebrate our victory tonight.' Louis cheered once we pulled away from the hug. No no no. The task is not over yet. They'll have to wait a few more days to celebrate.

'Sorry guys we're heading somewhere tonight.' I said looking at Naina who gave me a nervous smile.

'Where?' Zayn asked a little worried and confused.

'We're going India.' Naina answered. I had this planned before I couldn't let Naina face her enraged mom alone. So I've decided to accompany her to India and convince her mom. I don't want her to face her mother alone. And a tiny little secret even I am scared of her mother, if she can appoint people to capture me she can obviously do anything.

'That sounds pretty serious.' Niall commented raising both of his eyebrows.

'Yeah, I don't think I can face my mother alone.' Naina shrugged a little.

'You mean no party?' Zayn asked making a puppy dog face. Party.... is a party that important and for Zayn everyday is a party.

'Yeah.' I replied to Zayn. Zayn groaned with annoyance and disappointment.

'It's alright we'll party without you.' Louis told me. I don't care. Party without me or with me.

'Yeah. Yeah.' I rolled my eyes.

'It's alright, go ahead just make sure Liam's alive when he comes back.' Harry said and let me tell you Mr. Styles I will be 100% alright and alive when I come back. Naina's mom won't kill me at least that's what I think. I don't think this is going be very easy.

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