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Liam's POV

Naina took a bite of her slice and said 'tomorrow I'll be leaving for India, I am going to miss you all'.
Suddenly the loud atmosphere of that table died and was taken over by complete and dead silence.
Her words were like an arrow had hit my heart and was creating a deep hole in it. She will leave leaving me behind I will never forget her and I know she will simply move on because she never felt anything for me. I will remain where I am, I bet we will meet after five years she will have a husband and three little kids who will call me 'Liam uncle'. She will leave tomorrow.
Why she flipped her hairs to make me love it why she made me love her when she had to leave it.
True said love makes everyone a poet.
'You're a moment destroyer Naina'. Harry smirked making Naina chuckle.

'Give your phone'. Harry ordered.
Everyone of us narrowed our eyes in confusion. Naina slowly pulled out her phone out of her pocket and handed it to Harry hesitantly. Harry grabbed and started doing something in it we all were staring at him with curiosity, amazement and confusion.

'Look'. Harry lifts the phone. He had created his contact in Naina's phone. He had given Naina his personal number.

'We will be in contact'. Harry smiles widely. Niall snatches the phone from Harry's hand and starts adding his number in it and then passed it to Zayn, Zayn adds his contact and then say 'my contact name is DJ Malik so search me with that name'. He hands the phone to Louis and Louis gave it to me I add my number and hand it back to Naina and looked at her extremely gaped mouth like it would fall apart. She looks extremely adorable with that expression.

'You know what you've done'. Naina exclaimed.

'Yup, but don't call us every single time'. Harry chuckled.

Naina's POV -

This is my last day in London and One Direction is taking me to their concert. They have been telling me that they are gonna give me a huge surprise. When the car was moving through the entry and I could hear loud screams of fans. I smiled at the people, I stared the five of them smiling. When I glared Liam sitting beside the window. His smile is like a kid smiling when he gets a Superman toy. He is simply and absolutely adorable.

'Naina move'. I heard a scream in my ear.
He was Niall yelling in my ear sitting beside me.

'What'. I startled.

'Move we've parked'. Niall informed me. I realized the car had stopped and I was a barrier in Niall's way out.

I was so embarrased that I could only manage to pass him a nod.
I hop out of the car, those screams got even louder I saw One Direction waving at their fans.
Did I mention that Liam looks extremely hot while waving.

'Naina we've got to go this way'. Liam grabbed my hand pulling me. The moment his skin came in contact with mine a wave of electricity ran through my nerves like I will start moving like a robot.
I noticed the way he walks is like a male model walking on a ramp.
He was wearing a black hoodie and he was looking so gorgeous with that.

'Naina'. I felt a sudden shake on my arms pulling me out of my thoughts.
No more screams were audible it was not an open entry way, it was a perfect room.
Which had mirrors all around its walls. I realized that Liam had dragged me all the way to the green room.
'Are you sick'. Liam asked in a concerned voice. Before I could reply.
Niall yelled 'maybe she's hungry'.
Which earned Niall nothing more than a deadly glare.

'Are you hungry'. Liam asked innocently.

I shaked my head my mouth sealed.

'Yes'. Liam yelled dancing frantically all around the room. 'I knew that, finally Niall not everyone is as hungry as you'. Liam said and I discovered a chuckle escape my mouth. He was looking so adorable yelling like a kid.

'Its time to start'. The door in that room opened and a face peeked through it. He looked like an employee, he was quite skinny and average heightened with a notepad in his hand.

'Lets go'. Harry screamed and the five of them started exiting through the door waving goodbyes at me. Harry was the last one to exit but he stopped by me.

'He is Dustin'. Harry pointed to the employee waiting at the door. 'He will take care of you'. Harry informed me. Taking care of me this is sounding strange. 'Bye'. He waved and I waved back.
Soon the five of them were out of sight.
'Dustin'. The guy offered me his hand to shake.

'Naina'. I shaked the hand introducing myself.

'Come'. He took my wrist pulling me out of the room and I crashed another employee I couldn't apolgise because I was been pulled by Dustin in front of me.

'Can I know where we are going or actually can I know where you are taking me'. I asked a frown covering my face.
Dustin didn't replied, what! I am being pulled by a stranger and everything is out of my thinking range still I am unable to react.

Dustin makes a break and then I discover both of us standing at one of the stage corners and this seemed like entry to the stage. I peeked through it looking at One Direction actually Liam payne performing pacing the stage. He was dancing lightly beside him was Zayn and I guessed the song to be 'Steal my girl'.

'Hold this'. I was handed a mic. I never willed to hold it but it was forced on me.

'What...' I was about to ask Dustin about what exactly this is for but I was interrupted, when Dustin placed his one finger over his lips.

'Mic is on'. He whispered and I simply nodded. I didn't knew what it was all about I don't really like mystery and suspense or surprise, until and unless it is liam payne popping out of a huge box.

I heard the tune change from 'Steal my girl' to 'Midnight Memories'.
I was facing the mic in my hand but then turned my face towards the stage.
Harry was in the forefront and the other four were behind him. I stared Liam who was smiling widely and even chuckling. For me it had turned in slow motion.
Positions had changed and now Louis had started with his lines and was now pacing the stage. Still I was staring Liam lightly dancing and then trying to annoy Zayn by ruffling his hairs.

Now the five of them were standing in a line singing the chorus part. I stared Liam who was making the maximum moves standing on his spot.

Finally it was Liam's part to sing the lyrics'five foot something with a skinny jeans'. He sang and than did the epic mic flip. He looks extremely hot doing this and I was almost fainting at this.

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