Chapter 76:The Six Dreamers.

Start from the beginning

Arjo:Man,Those People have a Same Dream as I could,I Cant Imagine that The Colonel is on my Dream,It might be a warning or somehow his fate.

Joya:Doesn’t Matter what Dream was,The Important is we have to get ready.

Biggel and Tin arrived.

Biggel:Joya,Guys,We got a Tibetan Soldier send us a Mail,He saw Jamie on his Dream.

Tin:That dream was on the Field with Roses and That Guy Saw Ann and James kissed in the Field near the River and Trees.

Vince:Number 5,Who might be Number 6?

Slater:What was it?

Vince:I Guess those 6 people including that guy connected,The Question was,Is this might be his fate?

Joya:Whoever is Number 6,I hope it will connect the dots and everything will be done.

Slater:Yeah,We have to be prepared ok.

Divine:Why are you guys here?

Biggel:4 Delta Teams sent to the Military Base,They gonna Retake it.

Vince:Who authorize it?

Tin:General Braidwood.


They went to the Command Room.

Joya:General Braidwood,Get those men out of here!

Gen.Braidwood:What is going on?

Joya:Those men have 300 Troops and we cant defeat by 4 Teams of Deltas.

Gen.Braidwood:Captain Genzola,With all due respect,were gonna try to stop the invasion.

When Arjo saw what happened.

Arjo:My god,Sir.


The 3 Delta Teams were Under Fire and Later Captured and Somehow Executed,One Delta Force Team Withdrew because they knew what happened.

Gen.Braidwood:Where is the other Deltas?

Arjo:Sir,One Delta Force Team Survived.

Gen.Braidwood:You are Right Captain,We cant Defeat those men with Our Small Team of Deltas,We need to Cancel Our Strike Attacks on That Base,Its Completely Occupied.

Joya:General,We have Underground Forces there.

Gen.Braidwood:Good work on the suggestion,But when the invasion starts?

Sol Ju:When the Blood of Both Lovers Unite.

Joya:Sol Ju.

Sol Ju:Sorry if I arrived right now but we don’t have time to waste,What is today?

Joya:Its October 1st.

Sol Ju:Within October 3rd,Ann will come to land and Their Bloods will Unite and Pointed to the Dark Element’s Targets.

Slater:This is not Good.

Vince:Any Bright Ideas?

Sol Ju:But there is hope,We can make a change,There is no Fate,We can Create our Own Destiny.

Vince:It doesn’t matter about it,All we need to do is to be prepared,What about the President?

Joya:Come on,We have to go to the President.

Slater:What about Chloe And Lauren?

Divine:Ill find Chloe,Vince Get lauren,You guys go to the President.

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